What are the Costs of Not Using an eClinicalWorks® Billing Company?

When medical practices consider hiring a billing company, usually their main question is, “What is the cost?” While this is an important question to ask when deciding if this is a viable service for your business to utilize, it is equally important to ask, “What are the costs of not using an eClinicalWorks® billing company?” In this blog post we will describe some of the costs medical practices can have if they don’t use an eClinicalWorks® billing company like EMR Billing Solutions.

  1. In-House Billing Staff: When you do billing in-house, you are paying billing staff either hourly or a salary. This might be the best choice for your business but for many smaller medical practices, they don’t have enough billing to have a full-time billing staff member. Some practices find themselves paying employees who don’t have enough work to do or have a hard time finding someone who only wants a few hours a week of billing work. Staffing for billing can be tricky, especially when your medical practice only has a handful of practitioners. It’s actually more cost-effective to outsource.
  2. Write-Offs Due to Error: If your billing staff in-house doesn’t have the level of training billing professionals have, they can miss payment from patients or insurance companies due to error. Not using the right medical coding is a big way practices see money fall through the cracks because insurance companies don’t pay the correct amounts if the billing is inaccurate.
  3. Billing Companies Charging Too Much: When a billing company works with practices using a variety of EMR systems, their training and staffing costs are higher, putting more of the cost on you. When you use EMR Billing Solutions, the cost is lower because we only have to train on and stay up-to-date with one system.

These are just some of the costs of not using an eClinicalWorks® medical billing company like EMR Billing Solutions. Spend your money in the right place to get the most returns with EMR Billing Solutions.

Fair Prices and Quality Service from EMR Billing Solutions

In many markets, small-scale health providers are vanishing. Many become affiliated or bought by hospitals and lose much of their independence and vitality. With many factors affecting healthcare practices like lower insurance payouts and greater regulations, the effort it can take to balance the budget and remain independent can be excessive. This is why EMR Billing Solutions exists, to provide affordable, efficient, and quality solutions to help your business thrive in this changing economic landscape. We use our expertise with eClinicalWorks® EMR software to offer rates for quality medical billing that other provider can’t match.

Our Prices

For medical billing assistance, we charge a balance equal to 3% gross monthly revenue. We take a cut of your income, rather than a flat rate, to motivate ourselves to reach the highest standards of efficiency and accuracy. We succeed only when you succeed. For our Expert Billing Service PLUS (which includes phone call services) we charge only an additional .9%. We’ll even work with old A/R accounts at no additional cost.

Our Assurance

While other companies reach low price points by providing lower quality services, we promise that you will receiver superior performance from our team compared to the work of our competitors. This is because we have specialized in the eClinicalWorks® EMR platform and only perform EMR billing. Many billing services provide a bloated array of software, features, and other services that stretch them thin as a provider. The quality we offer with our price point is low only because we solely deliver the Medical Billing services you need.

EMR Billing Solutions provides the best service at the fairest price.  This is our company promise.

What is eClinicalWorks® and How Can an eClinicalWorks® Billing Company Help Your Practice?

A health care practice is a complicated organization. They provide a vital service to patients which is the primary objective. But behind the scenes, there is a lot that takes place to make sure these services continue day in and day out. One of the main things that keeps the doors open to health care practices are the billing processes. If your health care practice bills insurance like most do, effective revenue cycle management is key to your success.

An increasing amount of health care providers are choosing eClinicalWorks® for their electronic health care records. This systems provides improved work flow and simple sharing between providers. But after the patient visit is completed, what happens next is in the hands of the billing department to make sure the providers are paid for the services they render so they can keep providing that service to more customers.

EMR Billing Solutions is a billing company that works with practitioners using eClinicalWorks® to oversee their revenue cycle and make sure they are bringing in the most money possible for the least hassle. From interacting with your patients over the phone regarding their billing questions to pursing payment from insurance companies, EMR Billing Solutions provides peace of mind for health care practices at an affordable price.

Some of our competitors charge up to 7% and they may not even provide high-quality services that EMR Billing Solutions does. We cut their price in half, and provide a better service by only working with eClinicalWorks® practitioners. If you use eClinicalWorks® in your business and want to find out more about billing services from EMR Billing Solutions, contact us today.

What is eClinicalWorks® Revenue Cycle Management?

The revenue cycle in the healthcare industry is certainly not something that just runs itself. It takes a watchful eye and skilled professionals to make sure procedures are billed correctly, insurance companies receive the proper documentation, patients are treated with care while following up with overdue bills, and that all of this is completed in a timely manner so you can keep covering your costs as a provider.

At EMR Billing Solutions, we provide eClinicalWorks® revenue cycle management for health care providers using eClinicalWorks® for their electronic medical records. As a health care provider, you are probably familiar with the revenue cycle of your business. But if you need a refresher, check out this helpful flow chart.

There are many ways EMR Billing Solutions helps our clients throughout this cycle. For example, our billing professionals are experts on medical billing domain. Many times, bills are left unpaid by insurance companies because they were denied due to incorrect billing procedures. Don’t put unneeded pressure on your patients by turning over bills to them their insurance companies would pay if the procedures were billed correctly.

Another way we help is by coordinating seamless payment from third-party payers. Sometimes if a patient has more than one insurance provider, payments are delayed as the insurance companies hash out who will pay what portion of the bill. All of this can be behind the scenes for you if you allow EMR Billing Solutions to oversee your revenue cycle management.

For more information on how EMR Billing Solutions can provide your business with revenue cycle management, contact us today.

Good News for eClinicalWorks® Providers

Medical providers have a variety of EMR systems to choose from. But close to one million providers choose eClinicalWorks® for their electronic health records. This system lets them share information easily within the office and with other providers for improved workflow. And the system is entirely customizable depending on the needs of the practice. But many eClincialWorks® providers look for outside billing companies to complete their billing.

At EMR Billing Solutions we provide billing services for eClinicalWorks® providers and help them increase their revenue and lower their costs. We offer industry-low prices and specialize exclusively in eClinicalWorks®. This allows us to keep our costs low and our processes efficient. We are aware of each update or change in the system so we can continue billing processes without a pause.

Another great feature we offer with our Expert Billing Service PLUS is access to our trained call center staff for billing inquiries. So instead of your staff members taking time out of their days to answer questions about bills and EOBs, our devoted call center staff can answer those questions instead. And they will be able to speak with your patients about their bills with confidence because that is what they do day in and day out.

eClincalWorks® providers can increase their revenue stream and simplify their systems by switching to EMR Billing Solutions for their billing needs. Don’t spend more than you have to on billing services and let our professionals handle all of your billing including patient follow-up, past A/R, and more. Contact us at EMR Billing Solutions today for more information.

Skeptical of the Cost of Using and eClinicalWorks® Billing Company?

For someone running a small medical practice, it’s only natural to be skeptical of outsourcing your billing. Running a small business, you have to be aware of where each dollar goes, because each one is essential to the success of the business. You can’t waste revenue on a billing company that is going to take a significant cut of the earnings.

EMR Billing Solutions understands this dilemma and is proud to help small businesses by providing our services for only 3% or 3.9%. If you’ve been shopping around for a billing company, you already know that this is an industry-low price. And sometimes, when a good or service is priced on the low end of the spectrum, people assume the quality isn’t up to par.

However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth with EMR Billing Solutions. We are able to keep our prices so low because of some very intentional choices in our business model. The main one of these choices that passes the savings onto our customers is that we only work with providers who use eClinicalWorks® for their electronic medical records. That we were don’t have to train our staff on the variety of EMR systems out there and we don’t have to take the time or resources to stay up to date on each of these systems.

For just 3% you billing can be completed and at a more successful rate than before. And for 3.9%, we offer our call center to patients of our clients so they can have all of their billing questions answered without taking time away from your staff. To find out more about the eClinicalWorks® cost for billing, contact us today at EMR Billing Solutions.

The Definition of “Outsourcing” and How We Can Help Your Business

In today’s economy, many consider “outsourcing” a dirty word. Many associate it with down-sizing, poor service quality, and foreign workers. However outsourcing as a business concept is entirely separate from the stereotypes associated with it. Outsourcing can, in fact, increase quality while preserving your skilled domestic workforce. Here is an explanation of outsourcing and how it can increase the efficiency and quality of your medical practice.  Outsourcing is defined in Investopedia as “the business practice of hiring a party outside a company to perform services and create goods [that were] traditionally performed in-house.” In short, outsourcing eliminates demands on your practice for such services such as data entry, customer service, and medical billing. Employees can specialize on tasks more specific to your business, increasing your efficiency, work-load, and income. Most importantly the company you outsource to, will specialize in the service you need, saving you costs on training a multi-skilled workforce. It is also common to find a US-based company to manage your needs, allowing you to work with a company that speaks your cultural language. There is a variety of quality outsourcing for companies just like us, EMR Billing Solutions. We offer the best in specialized solutions for your medical billing needs, using eClinicalWorks® EMR to manage your medical billing department and free up your secretarial staff for other tasks. We also offer call services for communicating with your patients regarding their billing statements, as well as to help explain to them everything they need to know about their invoice and possible payment plans. We also offer reasonable price packages, not because we cut corners, but because we specialize. Unlike other billing groups, we only use the eClinicalWorks®  software, saving you money with due to our expertise with the program.

Contact Us for more information.Work with EMR Billing Solutions and get the most out of your business with outsourcing.

Tips Implementing and Using EMR Services

Even small practices can invest in new technology to improve their business.  Practices such as implementing hand scanners for automatic shift tracking, video conferencing services, and of course EMR (Electronic Medical Records) systems serve to make running your office more efficient, giving you more time and resources to dedicate towards incoming patients.  However, the cost of adapting new technologies often takes an enormous amount of effort to implement.  Many haven’t transferred to electronic records simply because they are still preparing to implement the process.   Here are some tips your business can use when migrating data to an EMR database.



Perhaps the trickiest part of transferring to an EMR system is retraining employees to serve new roles.  Many employees may not be used to using computers, or otherwise, experience difficulty learning new programs.  While the process is on-going on don’t hesitate to remind your staff that there is plenty of time to learn.  Scanning all an organization’s paper archives takes time, and those staff members can still manage the older files while they taking extra time to master the computer.


How to Move the Boxes

Many practices have basements stacked with boxes of old files, as many districts are still required by law to have files available for up to six-year, often leaving an overwhelming amount of material to sort through.  We recommend hiring temporary help.   Especially during the summer months, nephews, nieces, cousins and sons, and daughters will be happy to be on the payroll to do the heavy lifting, and even to help scan!  It is also probably you’ll find reliable new employees this way when they graduate school looking for work, which is a win-win both for short-term and long-term prospects.


After the Transition

Without needing physical files, many staff members can operate in satellite campuses, allowing the office more room to house other equipment or even serve new purposes for your patients.  EMR allows you to effectively use EMR Billing Solutions, a US-based company which uses EMR records in providing a variety of services.  We can handle your billing, call patients who are late with payments, and even manage the fax queue!  We keep costs low by specializing in eClinicalWorks®, unlike other services that multitask,  allowing us to out-perform the competition in terms of both quality and price!

A Look at What a Patient Experiences with eClinical Works® based Billing Support

Operating a medical practice entails lots of effective communication with patients in order to maintain good rapport, keep those patients coming back as needed, and give them the best customer experience. Part of this communication falls into the realm of billing questions.

This is a delicate topic because patients are often confused and maybe upset when they have questions about a bill. Whose job it is it answer those questions? You may have billing staff or front desk staff who field billing inquiries. But using an outside billing company allows you to send those billing questions into the hands of people who deal with billing inquiries every day and have the most industry expertise. This is the kind of experience your customers have throughout the billing process if you use Expert Billing Service Plus for your eClinical Works® billing support.

For a moment, step into the shoes of one of your patients. You’ve just been in for a visit and you paid a co-pay at the time of service. But shortly after that, received another bill from the office. You are confused because you thought you paid your portion and your insurance would pay the rest. When you call the office, the front desk transfers you call to our trained experts at EMR Billing Solutions. Right away the call center staff is able to look at your bill and any correspondence and payments from your insurance company. They are able to see one of the service provided was not covered by your insurance so that is why the remainder of the bill came back to you. Thankful to understand your bill, you can confidently pay your doctor without worrying you are paying something you don’t need to pay.

This kind of service is invaluable to your business if you get a lot of billing inquiries. Save your staff time and trouble by using the Expert Billing Service Plus from EMR Billing Solutions.

How Does EMR Billing Solutions Offer Such a Low eClinicalWorks® Cost?

People are always looking for a good deal. But many people learn the hard way early on buying the cheapest thing is sometimes the cheapest quality. Some people could be tempted to assume that about EMR Billing Solutions when they see our incredibly low prices–sometimes half of what our competitors offer. Our prices, however, are not too good to be true. We just have strategic ways of making our eClinicalWorks® cost for billing services so inexpensive. Here is how we do it.

At EMR Billing Solutions we only work with clients who use eClinicalWorks® for their electronic medical records. We focus all of our resources on mastering eClinicalWorks® so we are able to run more efficiently than our competitors. Some billers who work for our competitors have to take the time to learn about many different EMR systems. This takes them time and money to train the staff. And when dealing with clients, there is more room for error because they have more systems they work with.

Our staff only has one EMR system to focus on and that is eClinicalWorks®. By knowing each update as they happen and working exclusively with the product, we know the most efficient ways to handle billing procedures and troubleshoot any areas causing problems. With this knowledge and focus, we are able to offer an industry low price of 3% and 3.9%, depending on which services you need. Our premium service allows patients to call our staff with questions about billing instead of having your staff handling billing inquiries. For more information about EMR Billing Solutions, contact us today.