
The Answer to Your Question: What is eClinicalWorks®?

Shopping around for software for your medical practice, you may have come across the term eClinicalWorks®. But you may be wondering, “what is eClinicalWorks®? EClinicalWorks® is a software for electronic health records. It is cloud based, meaning your information is not stored in cumbersome hard drives at your office, but in their secure servers and accessible to you on any number of devices. Over 115,000 physicians use eClincalWorks® and over 850,000 additional healthcare providers. But it’s not just individual providers using it. There are over 70,000 facilities running on eClincalWorks®.

These statistics show how popular eClinicalWorks® is. But here is another number that may have more interest to you as a provider. According to their website, over $156 million of medical claims were processed through eClincalWorks® in 2015. But what eClincalWorks® can’t tell you is what percentage of those claims were paid in full, or the amount of trouble the provider had to go through to receive that payment.

That is where EMR Billing Solutions comes in. EMR Billing Solutions is a billing company that specializes in billing for our providers who use eClinicalWorks® for their healthcare records. When bills are created through eClinicalWorks® they have to be sent to a clearing house. If you do billing in-house, that means you are left with all the follow-up on those bills, and making sure insurance companies pay the correct amount. But with EMR Billing Solutions, we do all of the follow-up for you and make sure you are getting paid the money you deserve for your hard work.

For more information on how EMR Billing Solutions can increase the revenue at your practice, contact us today.