What is eClinicalWorks® and How it Works for You

If you are one of the many smaller private medical practices with 1-10 doctors staffed, you may own eClinicalWorks® but do not understand how it works. At EMR Billing Solutions, we understand the importance of cash flow and decreased costs to your practice. We are experts at utilizing eClinicalWorks®, and service only those practices who are current eClinicalWorks® clients. We particularly service practices using eClinicalWorks® because it allows us (EMR Billing Solutions) to focus solely on practices’ billing, patient’s questions, and A/R.

What is eClinicalWorks® based Medical Billing? eClinicalWorks® based billing is an electronic, outsourced billing option. It handles billing as well as claims, coding and forms. Your practice is busy, and with insurance claims and co-pays constantly changing, this option is a good choice. It can aid a great deal in various situations and at EMR Billing Solutions, we can take over and recover your income in a shorter amount of time with lower costs to you. The following levels of EMR services will surely cover your needs:

  • Basic Level Expert Billing Service – This service is for organizations who currently handle their own incoming and outgoing calls. If you have larger volumes, please contact us and learn how we can help you in this situation.
  • Expert Billing Service Plus – With one call to EMR Billing Services, all billing questions are answered such as patient co-pays and deductibles. This means no additional staff for you to handle these questions. We are for open for calls from during the business day so that we can serve your patients with questions. We also make payment courtesy calls to patients reminding them payment is due. These calls are made periodically after consulting the medical practice.
  • FAX Auto Pilot – No more waiting for lab results. With this 24/7 service, results are sent directly to the provider for review and future care. This decreases your staff hours while increasing patient care. And for the cost of 45 cents per document and no maximum number of documents allowed, this service is affordable and efficient.
  • Flexible Terms – Not only can we pilot your eClinicalWorks® billing service, we offer flexible terms. No need to worry about contract terms, you can stop the service at any time and we can begin the service in just a few business days. Our rates are more than half less of the 7% most billing services charge. We will also take care of previous A/R summaries at no charge to you.

Please feel free to contact EMR Billing Solutions to begin your service or let us answer any questions you may have regarding eClinicalWorks®.

3 Aspects: What Makes eClinicalWorks® Support Successful?

Technological advancements continually change the way companies operate. By automating processes and services and providing a high level of organization, management and their employees are able to focus and prioritize much more efficiently. A beneficial aspect of technological advancement is the facelift provided for customer support systems. Speed, high-efficiency, diverse forms of communication, and genuine connectivity are just a few upgrades and positive outcomes of employing modern technological systems.

eClinicalWorks® based Billing Support has taken full advantage of these opportunities by automating services, providing more representatives for one-on-one assistance, and incorporating innovative and helpful resources.


What Makes eClinicalWorks® Support Successful?


The most important aspect of customer support systems is the drive for betterment. Betterment can be achieved through many internal and external ways. For example, companies can send out client satisfaction surveys, conduct internal employee reviews, and require quarterly refresher training for customer service representatives. External review services provide a breath of fresh air and rejuvenation by providing an unbiased third opinion that lacks proximity blindness.

In 2012, eClinicalWorks® updated their processes and added over 250 employees to their customer support division. This not only streamlined and simplified customer support processes, but it also decreased the wait times for a representative.

Customer feedback was overwhelmingly satisfied with the changes. Yet, even with huge success and a 97% customer satisfaction rate within the 6 months following the upgrades, eClinicalWorks® promised to continue troubleshooting endeavors with plans to routinely update systems in accordance with healthcare technology advancements, continually survey for satisfaction, and quickly address customer concerns.

eClinicalWorks® not only listened and trusted client opinion, but they also enacted immediate changes in response and promised to continue with future betterment as their company grew and changed.


Blog it Up

One of the most popular forums of free-form customer service are blogs. Many companies have begun employing this avenue to create community with their current clients and expand their marketing for new potential customers.

Why are blogs such a great way to connect with customers? The writing, the freedom, and the ease.

For eClinicalWorks®, this is a great way to get up-to-date information on changes in the company, new services offered, troubleshooting tips, or solutions to long-standing issues. The best part of blog support is the entertainment value. Generally, the writing is fun, quirky, and informative. Plus, there is no need to sit on hold waiting for a customer service representative.

Blogs are a unique way to create community, answer questions, and stay updated with eClinicalWorks®.


Finding Different Vision Outside of eClinicalWorks®

EHR Concept Consultants

Usually, most customer service representatives have a general knowledge of company policies, a light background in the most relevant issues, and a hierarchy of specialized individuals that are trained to address specific problems such as financial concerns, technical troubleshooting, or sales.

A unique aspect of eClinicalWorks® Support team is their partnership with EHR Concepts to provide a team of uniquely qualified consultants. EHR Concepts is a specialized contract service that provides aid for healthcare IT. For eClinicalWorks®, they supply highly skilled, professionally trained consultants that specialize in one-on-one professional and technical customer service for companies using eClinicalWorks® software.

For more information regarding this partnership and the services provided by EHR Concepts, feel free to visit their eClinicalWorks® consultant page.


Another innovative customer service tool is the eCWusers website. To clarify, this site is not managed or directly affiliated with eClinicalWorks®, but it is a great resource for users who wish to find a platform to build connectivity and create a community with other eClinicalWorks® users.

Specifically, eCWusers is a forum for users of eClinicalWorks® to communicate with each other, express difficulties, share successes, and divine solutions together. A unique part of this site is that it is maintained and driven directly by the user, therefore creates a close-knit community of shared experiences.


EMR Billing Solutions offers medical billing services, specializing in the use of eClinicalWorks® Electronic Medical Record. With experienced and innovatively driven employees and staff, EMR Billing Solutions offers full-service, high-quality support. For more information or to speak with a representative directly, feel free to contact us.

eClinicalWorks® Billing Solutions to Simplify Your Summer

If your practice needs a little burst of energy this coming summer, sometimes a few simple changes are all you need. From decor to systems, take a look around your clinic and pick a few things that need a change. Your clients will notice and appreciate when your clinic has new life and activity. Here are a few ideas of where to start.

Set Up an Office Giveaway

Patients love drawings and giveaways. Even spending a small amount on a gift card or a fun item to give away is a great way to stir up some excitement amongst your patients. Patients that have a positive experience at your practice are more likely to refer friends and family to see you. For a  summer giveaway, do a drawing for a gift card for a restaurant with a nice patio or maybe even a gift card to a local greenhouse.

Simplify Office Systems

If your office systems are slowing you down find a way to simplify so you can spend time on more pertinent things to your business. For example, if in-house billing is causing you stress, outsource your billing to EMR Billing Solutions. EMR Billing Solutions provides eClinicalWorks® billing solutions for practices that use that software for their medical records. Their low prices make it worth your while.

Add Summer Decor

Having fresh flowers at your front desk or around your waiting room is a beautiful way to add a little summer to the office. You could also consider window clings or other seasonal decorations depending on the atmosphere of your clinic.

These are just a few ways you can create new interest in your practice and foster an atmosphere that is healthier for you and your patients. For more information on outsourcing your billing to eClinicalWorks® experts, contact us at EMR Billing Solutions.