eClinicalWorks® Medical Billing Support Made Easy

In the age of electronic medical records, many things are made easier. But the change to EMR can be complicated for medical practices who have held off on going digital. At EMR Billing solutions, we want to provide the eClinicalworks® medical billing support you need. EMR Billing Solutions is a billing company that works with healthcare practices using eClinicalWorks®.

What is eClinicalWorks®?

EClinicalWorks® is a cloud-based electronic healthcare records system, used by nearly a million practitioners in over 70,000 facilities. If your clinic uses eClinicalWorks® you may need some extra support with billing. That is where EMR Billing Solutions comes in.

What is EMR Billing Solutions?

EMR Billing Solutions is a third-party billing company that makes billing easy for practices using eClinicalWorks®. While many billing companies try to meet the needs of practices using different EMR software, EMR Billing Solutions has narrowed our vision to serving just the practices using eClinicalWorks®.

Why choose EMR Billing Solutions?

Our focus makes us the most efficient billing company for you to use. Our prices are the lowest in the industry, starting at only 3% of your revenue. For an upgraded version that includes the use of our call center staff to answer billing inquiries from your patients, practices can pay 3.9%. But believe it or not, those are our only fees. We don’t charge extra for extra services and we keep our rates at half of what many of our competitors charge.

If you need eClinicalWorks® medical billing support, contact us today at EMR Billing Solutions and we can make your billing process easy and effective.

eClinicalWorks® Solutions: Auto-Pilot Faxing to Reduce Staff Burdens

One undeniable fact about medical clinics like yours is that staff burdens are common when relying on manual systems. With constantly changing regulations and never-ending paperwork, your staff likely feel overwhelmed when you depend on them to send documents to the right place.

In the age we’re living in, there isn’t any need, especially when remote management is more prevalent. If you think such a system is overly complicated or expensive, think again.

With electronic management through eClinicalWorks®, and our own system at EMR Billing Solutions, you can make tasks like faxing a more efficient and non-expensive process.

Dealing With Sending Faxes Manually

Stop and realize how much time becomes wasted when you force your staff to send hundreds of faxes to the appropriate medical department. Much of your staff may feel frustrated spending too much time on ordinary office duties when they want to spend more time helping patients.

With an auto-pilot fax system, you don’t have to place such a weight on your medical team. Yet, the more you expect them to send faxes manually, the more apt mistakes could occur.

This becomes a major issue when they forget to send critical lab tests to the right place for analysis. It could place your reputation on the line.

Using an Outside Team to Manage Your Faxes

Using a dependable remote management team to send faxes on time, your staff won’t feel stressed coming to work every day. Place yourself in their shoes and imagine coming to work and seeing all waiting faxes already filed and routed hours earlier.

Now you see what’s possible when you realize how technology changes all medical office procedures.

Going through us at EMR Billing Solutions, you only have to pay an industry low of 45¢ per document.

Spending More Time With Patients

Allowing an auto-pilot fax system into your office saves up more time than you think. It’s going to bring hours of time your staff can use to focus on patient needs.

Since today’s patients demand more personal care than ever, you need to find the right technology to lift office burdens your staff have endured for years.

At the same time, better managed faxes means faster test results and accuracy, proving you as an industry leader.

Visit us EMR Billing Solutions to learn about our services focusing on eClinicalWorks® users.

EMR Billing Solution’s Services

eClinicalWorks® was originally a term used to refer to any technology used in the world of medicine, but over the years, eClinicalWorks® have brought a tremendous transformation in the practice of medicine globally. eClinicalWorks® make it easy for healthcare providers to document patient visits with ease, deliver care with better outcomes, and quickly prescribe medications. It has also contributed tremendously in managing the medical billing part of healthcare organizations.

Ultimately, if you are using eClinicalWorks®, you need an eClinicalWorks® billing expert to manage your billing. Here is where EMR Billing Solutions comes in, having been in the industry for years now. EMR Billing Solutions listens to your needs and with their expertise they recommend the best billing solutions for your business. Some of their distinguished services include:

Expert Billing Service

At the low rate of 3%, their expert billing service provides a useful billing solution whether you are operating a large healthcare organization or you are just starting out your venture. This service is most suitable for healthcare organizations that can handle their calls; both incoming and outgoing without compromising back office efficiencies.

Expert Billing Service Plus

For as little as 3.9%, EMR Billing Solution performs all your billing services and all your patient’s questions comprehensively answered with only one call to EMR Billing Solution. We will not only get rid of your headache of dealing with patient invoices and answering the never-ending billing questions from patients, but we will also create precious time for you to deal with more important issues.

Fax Auto Pilot

Instead of wasting time dealing with Fax inbox, with EMR Billing Solutions, your employees will now have more time to tend and treat patients. This efficiency will, in turn, increase patient care in your healthcare organization. Contact us today for more information.

eClinicalWorks® Billing Companies Efficiently

Small and medium sized medical practices are constantly dealing with billing issues.  It is challenging to stay on top of all outstanding bills with few staff and no professional tools. For that reason, more people are taking advantage of eClinicalWorks® based medical billing service to take care of the issue.  It helps them to increase revenue, lower time spent on billing and reduce friction with companies.

In particular, it is an efficient system that deals with the billing systems of insurance companies and patients. This billing platform performs many important tasks like correct coding and following up with insurances to get payment. It provides complete medical billing support and continues to follow-up with insurances and patients until payment is made.  It meets the premium billing standards as well. Lastly, it provides reimbursement evaluations and predictive analytics.

Those features help the system get to 98% first time billing acceptance which is much higher than the 70% to 90% industry standard. eClinicalWorks® based medical billing service also has the industry’s lowest third party medical billing costs.  While the average cost is 5% of revenue, the platform only charges 3% or 3.9% depending upon the service you want.  This helps practices see rapid improvement.

eClinicalWorks® based medical billing service can help to set-up and implement medical billing system for practices to make sure that they take advantage of all the tools and experience they need, to reach their revenue goals. This medical billing company can expertly customize the system to make sure that medical practices can see the revenue improvements that they expect.

EMR Billing Solutions has helped many practices rapidly improve revenue and reduce costs by successfully implementing and maintaining the proper medical billing tools using eClinicalWorks® EMR.  For more information, please contact us.

Affordable and Quality Solutions for eClinicalWorks® Medical Billing

Most small medical providers using eClinicalWorks® would admit that outsourcing their medical billing sounds great, yet are skeptical of the costs and quality of the services involved. Fears of giving over the reigns to an impersonal service with exorbitant fees, many times, stops them from pursuing the thought of outsourcing any further. Yet, if they could find an affordable and quality solution for eClinicalWorks® based medical billing, a large burden would be lifted from their everyday workflow.

Affordable and Transparent Pricing and Terms

Small medical practices with 1 to 10 providers would rather not hand over thousands of extra dollars to a third-party billing partner, not when they can conceivably take care of billing in-house. Basically, outsourcing medical billing must make financial sense to the bottom-line, in order for them to rationalize this expense.

Most medical billing services will charge around 7% of gross revenue, and this with yearly contracts and hidden fees – this is simply too much for most small medical practices to reasonably afford. Yet, they might reason that paying any less means hiring an inferior service, then suffering with bad customer service and other unwanted surprises.

The key to this dilemma is to hire a service like EMR Billing Solutions, which specializes and works only with eClinicalWorks® EMR systems. By focusing on working with only one EMR system, EMR Billing Solutions is able to offer industry low pricing (3% to 3.9%); not only this, but EMR Billing Solutions also provides the type of pricing transparency and flexible terms (no contracts) small medical practices desire.

Quality Medical Billing Service

Affordable sounds great, yet what about the quality of the service? EMR Billing Solutions is just as transparent with our service as with our pricing. There are three main ways we deliver excellent service:

      • systematic collection methods
      • convenient and accessible hours
      • expert revenue cycle management with vertical experience

When small medical practices outsource their billing to EMR Billing Solutions, they’ll expand their ability to reach and be reached by patients for billing inquiries; also, they’ll no longer have claims and invoices fall into the cracks of an unorganized revenue cycle management process; and, finally, they’ll have the expertise to deal with any eClinicalWorks® complications during billing processes.


Yes, it’s possible for small medical practices to find an affordable and quality medical billing service to outsource this important function to. EMR Billing Solutions offers the perfect mix of affordability and quality that practices desire and need when outsourcing their medical billing. We do this by focusing only on eClinicalWorks® EMR systems and designing our service to be transparent and accessible to both patients and clients. If interested in learning more please contact us today.

Searching for eClinicalWorks® Billing Solutions?

If your clinic uses eClinicalWorks® and you need billing solutions, it can be hard to know where to turn. There are lots of billing companies out there. But who can you trust with your business? EMR Billing Solutions is a billing company that serves clients who use eClinicalWorks® and helps them find the billing solutions they need. But what makes EMR Billing Solutions better than other billing companies?

To start, EMR Billing Solutions only works with clients who use eClinicalWorks® for electronic health records. Why is this an advantage to you? It means we know the ins and outs of the software so we know exactly what we are doing. We help people like you all day, every day. So we are experts in getting you the money owed to you.

It is also an advantage to you because it means we can keep our prices low. We don’t have to train our staff on the variety of EMR programs out there. We focus on eClinicalWorks® clients so we can give them the best service and keep our overhead costs low, passing on the savings to our customers. We charge either 3% or 3.9%—depending on which services you need. That is an industry low you will be hard-pressed to find elsewhere. Another thing we pride ourselves on at EMR Billing Solutions is that we don’t nickel and dime our clients. All of our services are included with the fee.

So if you need billing solutions for your health care practice, contact us at EMR Billing Solutions today.

The benefits of eClinicalWorks® in illness detection & Billing

When one receives the news of an advanced infection or illness, say cancer, the first thing that crosses their mind is how discovery of the illness was not at an early stage.

When people go for screening, doctors run necessary tests and they are prone to errors and mistakes. That means missing out on some details is possible. eClinicalWorks® provide assistance to doctors in maintaining the results of the tests. As a result, that increases efficiency and promotes provision of better healthcare to patients, because detection of diseases is at an early stage. So, what are some of the benefits of using eClinicalWorks® EHR?

Early disease detection   

The automatic feature of eClinicalWorks® provides health providers with instant and reliable feedbacks on test results from the patient, hence, allowing them to detect illnesses fast. By detecting such medical conditions early, you can take action to curtail their spread, and in the process cut down on maintenance and other costs incurred to treat an advanced disease.

Consistency of test results   

Human beings are prone to error, and doctors are human. However, a computer makes little or no mistakes. eClinicalWorks® software ensures that results are accurate at any one time. Running of automated test scripts is consistent, so the test results always come out the same.

Increased productivity   

Doctors face exhaustion in their line of work from time to time, which may compromise productivity. A compromised doctor may perform tests with flaws or delay some tests as well. Automated testing leads to optimization of activities and gives the doctors ample time to assess the test results. In the process, they get a chance to detect some anomalies in the tests; hence, detection of an illness is fast.

Efficient Billing   

When providers get assistance in disease detection, they can focus on the treatment of the patients. This should be the primary responsibility of every provider. But in this case the medical billing side of the practice can suffer because of provider’s limited attention towards claims and payments. The great news is that there is a medical billing company to help them out. eClinicalWorks® based medical billing company has the knowledge and resources to help providers using eClinicalWorks® EHR, in their medical billing department. EMR Billing Solutions offer efficient medical billing service to practices using eClinicalWorks®. Contact us today to learn more our billing service.

Exploring eClinicalWorks® Billing Options for Small Providers

Being a small medical practice in today’s healthcare industry is more challenging than ever; the transition to EMRs and integration of technology are, many times, distracting practices from their main focus: to deliver quality care to patients. These challenges have many small medical practices exploring eClinicalWorks® billing options.

In-House vs. Outsourcing

Small medical practices are faced with these two options and those in-between. Ideally, they’d like to take care of eClinicalWorks® billing themselves in-house, as this seemingly is the most cost-effective. The problem many come to realize is how complex and time-consuming this task really is.

Billing in the healthcare industry is much more involved than in other industries, as it involves insurance companies, the government, and the patients themselves. Claims submissions, time sensitivity, eligibility requirements, and reporting, are all extra billing requirements on top of: patient billing, collections, and customer service; in addition, all of these processes have to be navigated with complex EMR systems.

Basically, the task of eClinicalWorks® billing for small medical practices is more than a part-time effort, especially, if providers want to offer their patients excellent billing support.

These pain points, generally, cause providers to explore their eClinicalWorks® billing options; this may include hiring a part or full-time billing expert in-house, having existing staff undergo training for expertise with eClinicalWorks®, or outsourcing billing in part or completely.

A Case for Outsourcing

The biggest problems with hiring in-house or dedicating existing staff for billing are: limited support for patients, limited expertise and resources, and hiring in-house costs more money than outsourcing.

When outsourcing eClinicalWorks® billing to a service that only works with this EMR solution, small medical practices will get an entire company with expertise and experience. So, not only will providers pay less for the billing solution than if hired in-house, they’ll also give their patients better customer service and have more experts working on their behalf to increase the bottom-line.

Outsourcing makes sense for many small medical practices, yet only when the billing service is: vertically minded, has no contracts, has transparent pricing, and provides excellent customer service to patients and providers.

EMR Billing Solutions has all of these favorable traits and is offering small medical practices an excellent option to take care of their eClinicalWorks® billing.

Simplicity in Billing: eClinicalWorks® based Revenue Cycle Management

What will the future of medical care look like for clinics and short term care providers? specifically with the Affordable Care Act targeted for replacement?

The ACA is being reworked and reconsidered for adoption by the House and Senate. One big unknown for providers is costs associated with Medicaid and Medicare now and in 4 years. It isn’t clear if the entire Obamacare law will be thrown out and replaced or even if the new framework will put small providers out of business.

One cost saving measure is to lock down the revenue cycle management. Allowing experts to manage the billing operations is a fixed cost that alleviates some uncertainty.

Here are a few advantages for eClinicalWorks® based revenue cycle management:

No more chasing invoices

  • Stem the flow of lost money due to patients without insurance or who don’t have up front co-pay money. Getting patients to pay on a bill once they have left the office is a time consuming effort.

No more billing software headaches

  • A billing company takes care of the technology updating the software which can be expensive for thinly stretched providers. Most clinics and doctor’s offices aren’t equipped to handle IT issues as they happen.

No more additional work

  • Following the billing process from patient visit to paid invoice is important for not repeating steps in the cycle. Coding errors, double billing and incomplete information can mess up a revenue cycle if details aren’t met. This of course is expensive creating additional work for employees.

Health care providers need to control as many costs as possible in the current political environment. The best way to do that is by letting eClinicalWorks® based revenue cycle management streamline the billing process. Stop chasing dollars and crosschecking codes for accuracy. Get back to the business of health.

Don’t Stress About eClinicalWorks® based Medical Billing Pricing

Your healthcare practice is constantly being pulled in different directions when it comes to where you should spend your money. Marketing, staffing, training, facilities, and equipment are just a few of the places your money goes. One place that small healthcare practices can really save a lot of money however is by outsourcing their billing.

The thing is, the pricing for this service really ranges and it won’t be worth your while if you go with a company that wants to charge you 6-7% of your revenue for their service. That is why EMR Billing Solutions has cut those charges in half to bring you billing services you can afford. EMR Billing Solutions works with practitioners who use eClinicalWorks® electronic healthcare records. The eClinicalWorks® pricing for billing when you work with EMR Billing Solutions starts at only 3% of your revenue.

Now you may be thinking that is too good to be true and we must be about to nickel-and-dime you for all you’re worth. But that is not the case! The only other rate we offer is 3.9% for the additional use of our call center for the convenience of your clients. Clinics with a high call volume of patients calling with questions about their bill would benefit from this added service.

Other than that there are no upcharges, no added fees, no tricks! We work on your existing accounts receivable for no extra cost and work hard to get you all the money you deserve. To start taking advantage of the low cost of EMR Billing Solutions, contact us today.