What is eclinicalworks® and How Does it Work?

The name, eclinicalworks® is gaining much popularity, it seems to be heard over, and again, still many people are asking, what is eClinicalWorks ®? With growing popularity, this company now services more than 100,000 different providers across the United States, and is continuing to grow at a rapid pace.

eClinicalWorks® is a company that sells electronic medical record (EMR), practice management (PM) and personal health record (PHR) software and services to health care providers.

Benefits of the eClinicalWorks® system include:

Integrated Modules: Modules let providers review patient histories, past visits, current medications, allergies, labs and diagnostic tests while also managing patient accounts and verifying eligibility for services. Thanks to this integrated module, patients have more control over their health care than ever before, and there is no longer a need to pick up the phone and call the office; with benefits such as, requesting prescription refills, sending messages to their physicians, and viewing their lab results, and appointment reminders.

Mobile Browser: eClinicalWorks® also offers a  mobile browser that health care providers can access using a smart phone and an embedded messaging service based on Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). These features compliment our on-the-go way of living.

Because of the amazing benefits of eClinicalWorks®, it is changing the way healthcare is done, for the better. Health care providers, and their customers are much happier using this system.

For more information on eClinicalWorks® and how it can benefit your practice, please contact EMR Billing Solutions. We would be delighted to help you make your business better, and add to the lives of your patients.