Weighing the Cost of a Billing Service

When considering outsourcing billing for your medical practice, there are many things to consider. For practices using eClinicalWorks® for electronic medical records, finding the eClinicalWorks® cost of a billing service is essential to decide if it is worth the cost. Here are some things to consider.

  • Does your clinic have a lot of patients using insurance? For dental or medical practices that bill a lot of insurance, it makes more sense to outsource billing. The billing volume is very time-consuming when the majority of your patients use insurance. However, if you are a chiropractor, massage therapist, or naturopathic doctor that doesn’t have many patients that can bill insurance, you may not need to outsource billing.
  • Who is completing the billing currently? If you already outsource billing but aren’t happy with the service, EMR Billing Solutions can beat their prices and their customer service. For those who are doing billing in-house it is important to consider the number of hours your staff put in for billing. For larger clinics, you may have your own billing staff because billing is a full-time job. If your billing staff is competent and well-trained, then you probably don’t need to outsource billing. But if billing isn’t a full-time job and another staff member is just completing it as needed, it may be better to outsource. A staff member that isn’t doing billing full-time could have a hard time giving billing the attention it needs.

These are things to think about when weighing the cost of billing. With EMR Billing Solutions and our low prices, the answer is easy. Contact us today for more information.