How Outsourcing Alleviates Pain Points with eClinicalWorks® based Medical Billing
Since “meaningful use” of EMRs became a requirement by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2014, small and large medical practices have been trying to adapt to the changes. The transition hasn’t been easy (or cheap) for many practices, although EMR systems have been improving and do offer some helpful features like e-prescribing and mobile functionality.
Smaller practices with 1 to 10 providers have been hit the hardest, as they have limited resources and technical expertise with EMR systems. They’ve learned to integrate these systems into their daily workflows, yet the extra workload from EMR billing processes are often burdensome and inefficiently done. In this regard, let’s discuss how outsourcing alleviates pain points with eClinicalWorks® based medical billing.
Reduces Billing Related Workload
Small medical practices using eClinicalWorks® can outsource part or all of their entire billing related workload to EMR Billing Solutions. This will reduce the workload surrounding billing processes, alleviating staff from dealing with: billing inquiries from patients, claim submissions, revenue cycle management functions, eligibility requirements, collections, and more.
When added up, the hours and effort spent dealing with billing functions is significant, especially, when EMR systems are not always easy to manage and use. Basically, staffs at small medical practices, often, don’t have the expertise with eClinicalWorks® that’s needed to streamline billing processes.
Outsourcing eClinicalWorks® based medical billing to a service that works exclusively with eClinicalWorks® users, gives small medical practices the expertise needed to use this industry leading EMR solution to its full potential. EMR Billing Solutions is this type of vertically designed billing service, which is why our rates are so affordable.
Faster and More Complete Claims Process
Outsourcing eClinicalWorks® based medical billing means letting someone else handle insurance companies, which means a faster and more complete claims process – at least when outsourcing to EMR Billing Solutions. This means more claims will be paid (less denials) and reimbursements will happen faster, which positively affects the bottom-line.
Improved Patient and Workforce Satisfaction
When patients have a phone number to call to ask a redundant billing question, EMR Billing Solutions will be available to help. When patients call during busy hours with a complex insurance question, EMR Billing Solutions will be available to help. Basically, patients and staffs will get the help they need and be alleviated of inefficient and burdensome processes.
Patients will be more satisfied when they get timely and unhurried help with their billing questions and issues, as will medical practices’ workforces when they’re unburdened with redundant billing related tasks.
As EMR systems improve and practices get used to the electronic transition, alleviating pain points by outsourcing eClinicalWorks® based medical billing is a good option for small medical practices. When partnering with a vertically minded medical billing service that works only with eClinicalWorks® users, medical practices will get expert service at an affordable price.