Using eClinicalWorks® and EMR Billing Solutions to Cut Down on Phone Bills
No doubt one of the things your medical staff feel stressed over is making calls during the day to deal with patient billing issues. A lot of this can become overwhelming, especially if you’re a new medical practice with few providers. This doesn’t include the cost of making or receiving calls through landline and mobile.
Many medical management experts note taking too much time to deal with issues over the phone leads to substantial waste in medical practices. Consider as well that you have to set up some type of phone system. While some choose VoIP systems to save money, it’s still going to add up over time.
Outsourcing your calls to our EMR Billing Services helps in more ways than just saving money. You’re also receiving the great features from eClinicalWorks® software.
Taking the Load Off Staff in Calling About Late Payments
Maybe you choose to send out late payment notices by mail most of the time. However, you likely also make calls, which can obviously become numerous. For your medical staff, this only becomes stressful and burdensome when all they receive is a voice message.
The reason for the above is the patient is probably at work and can’t answer in the moment. Calling them at a later date when they’re at home isn’t always feasible for your schedule when you have other tasks planned.
Our phone service stays open until 6:00 p.m. EST, so we’ll call on your behalf to deal with late or reneged payments.
Removing an Influx of Calls With Patient Questions
With healthcare being more complex than ever, how many incoming calls do you receive in your medical practice per day? Can your staff keep up with the demands from patients wanting answers about their explanation of benefits, co-payments, or deductibles?
After hours of these calls, it can become a huge stress on your team when they have other things to do.
Our services can handle these calls for you, freeing up your phone lines for other business. Doing this also lets you invest in fewer phones for less cost.
Maintaining Your Customer Service Reputation
Considering how competitive the medical field is, you need to maintain your reputation. Having tied up phone lines, or staff not giving the best possible customer service, can ruin your brand before you get started.
With our team, you don’t have to worry, because we provide exemplary customer service over the phone. A highly experienced and trained staff helps maintain the reputation you’re helping to build, which is so important to rise above your local competitors.
Visit us at EMR Billing Solutions to find out more about our billing support and basic phone services to help you through your early medical practice development.