Using eClinicalWorks® for Better Phone Service Related to Invoice Inquiries

Trying to train your staff for proper phone etiquette can become a major chore when you’re short on time. It’s also a time drag for your medical staff when they have so many other duties to attend to. This doesn’t work like a regular call center where employees exclusively deal with employees on the phone for hours at a time.

Your medical staff are already overworked. Ultimately, you shouldn’t expect them to adhere to dozens of phone policies with so much else on their minds.

The danger is burning your staff out to a point where their phone etiquette suffers.

The Challenges With Friendly Customer Care

Calling patients who haven’t paid their invoices can easily become a dicey situation for your staff. It can sometimes lead to calls going too long, including upset patients who perhaps can’t financially afford their medical bills.

In turn, this can lead to poor customer care on your staff’s part. Pressures from talking to irate patients while keeping up with other duties can become too much to handle.

You don’t want your staff snapping back at patients during tense moments. This only defeats the purpose of good customer care.

Outsourcing Your Phone Duties

If you work with eClinicalWorks® to help you better organize your medical billing procedures, outsourcing your phone duties to an expert eClinicalWorks® team gives you everything you need.

We do this through EMR Billing Solutions. You won’t find many outsourced billing services doubling as the best eClinicalWorks® experts you’ll find anywhere.

Our phone operators can take over your phone duties and use the above software with ease. Now you can remove a heavy weight from your staff who don’t have time to learn new eClinicalWorks® upgrades, or talk on the phone for long hours.

Better Timing for Reaching Patients

No doubt you’ve realized reaching patients at certain times of the day works better when inquiring about their invoices. The trouble is, it may require overtime to reach patients in the late afternoon-early evening hours.

Our team is readily available to contact your patients during the day time so that any query by the patient regarding his/her statement is answered in a professional manner.

Best of all, our lines are always open from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EDT, giving your patients a wide time window to call us with any questions.

Through our dedicated commitment to good customer care, we know how to handle sensitive billing matters. When patients become upset on the phone, our total experience helps understand how to calm the situation and work it out in an efficient manner without stress.

Visit us at EMR Billing Solutions to learn more about our eClinicalWorks® expertise and our phone support as the best in the industry.