What Kind of eClinicalWorks® Billing Solutions Work Best for Your Company?

Perhaps it’s come to the time where you know you’re going to have to outsource your billing procedures to a third-party source. You shouldn’t feel guilty about doing this, because so many medical clinics outsource now to alleviate staff pressures.

Making this move is extremely smart, because you’re not only alleviating stress, you’re also saving money. The losses you’d take from making mistakes could become more costly than outsourcing.

The question is, what should you look out for in an outsourced billing service to assure you save money?

The Underside to Other Billing Services

Once you start researching all the outsourced billing services out there, you’re going to see thousands of them. How can you sort through them all to find one truly putting your best interests at heart?

You need to start with what they ultimately charge you for their services. In fact, they can charge you for more miscellaneous tasks than you thought possible.

Charges for Licensing to Maintenance Fees

Some billing services use specialized software, and they may charge a licensing fee to make it more profitable for them.

The same goes with other technology they use like server hosting. If they’re doing this, it’s clear they care more about their own profits than yours.

Even maintenance charges could occur, which isn’t fair to you considering they’re supposed to help you and not drain your finances further.

Finding a Source With Flexible Terms

Always look to see how flexible your billing service is, including whether they stick you in a stifling contract. At EMR Billing Solutions, we’re one of the rare ones that don’t, as well as not charging you for the above sideline services.

We believe in superior service being the true calling card to keeping your business for years to come. Our superior phone team takes care of all billing issues, including explaining complicated terminology to stressed patients.

Visit us to find out just how flexible our terms are, including giving you more control.