The Strength of a Specialist Billing Solution

If you’re running a small medical practice, getting your claims sorted out is a primary concern. Even a practice that’s set up well financially can’t afford to have excessive invoices outstanding due to simple lack of payment, or patients questioning whether or not those bills are correct. But avoiding this problem carries costs of its own, often in the form of one or more administrative employees dedicated to claims or paying excessive fees to third-party companies to collect for you.

However, if your practice uses the eClinicalWorks® EHR system, a better solution exists. EMR Billing Solutions is a specialist billing firm that works only with companies using eClinicalWorks® in order to streamline its services and reduce the fees you pay.

Not only do they have a specialist firm’s expertise with eClinicalWorks®, EMR Billing Solutions offers multiple levels of service. If your practice can handle its call volume but needs a partner to deal with billing services, EMR Billing Solutions offers that service at the rate of only 3%. If your call volume is higher, EMR Billing Solutions can also handle your incoming patient billing questions as well. This complete solution gives you not only complete billing services, but also top-flight customer service by staff trained specifically in dealing with medical billing questions based on the eClinicalWorks® system you rely on. Even better, our rate for this Plus service is just an industry low 3.9%.

Focus on your patients; let EMR Billing Solutions focus on your revenue. Contact us to discover how we can maximize your income and ease your billing burden.