What Exactly Are eClinicalWorks® Billing Service?

For someone just starting up a medical practice or someone who as always been very “hands off” of their billing, you may not know all that billing entails. There is far more that goes into it than sending bills and receiving payment. In the medical field, you have the whole world of insurance to deal with and that can be a scary world if you don’t know what you are doing. Today in the blog, we wanted to break down for you the different steps in the billing process that our staff at EMR Billing Solutions would do for you upon hiring our services.

Patient Billing: This is where the process begins and it involves the patient paying their portion of the bill, sometimes a co-pay, sometimes a larger portion. Sometimes this is collected at the time of service, other times a physical bill is sent to the patient.

Submitting Claims: A biller sends all of the insurance claims off to their respective insurance companies. These are the companies the patients have insurance through; like Medicare, Cigna, and Anthem.

Eligibility Verification: Sometimes this happens before the service is provided, although sometimes afterwards, to see how much of the bill is the patient’s responsibility and if the patient is eligible for the service.

Eliminate Claim Denials: This involves communicating with insurance companies to see why the claim was denied and if anything can be done to reverse the denial.

Reporting: A biller reports and posts payment to a patient’s account so their balance zeros out. A biller also runs reports to discover any outstanding bills.

Reimbursement: If a patient overpaid for their service because the insurance company paid more than expected, a billing company reimburses the patient.


These are the main steps in a billing cycle. If your clinic needs assistance with this process, contact us today at EMR Billing Solutions.