Tips Implementing and Using EMR Services

Even small practices can invest in new technology to improve their business.  Practices such as implementing hand scanners for automatic shift tracking, video conferencing services, and of course EMR (Electronic Medical Records) systems serve to make running your office more efficient, giving you more time and resources to dedicate towards incoming patients.  However, the cost of adapting new technologies often takes an enormous amount of effort to implement.  Many haven’t transferred to electronic records simply because they are still preparing to implement the process.   Here are some tips your business can use when migrating data to an EMR database.



Perhaps the trickiest part of transferring to an EMR system is retraining employees to serve new roles.  Many employees may not be used to using computers, or otherwise, experience difficulty learning new programs.  While the process is on-going on don’t hesitate to remind your staff that there is plenty of time to learn.  Scanning all an organization’s paper archives takes time, and those staff members can still manage the older files while they taking extra time to master the computer.


How to Move the Boxes

Many practices have basements stacked with boxes of old files, as many districts are still required by law to have files available for up to six-year, often leaving an overwhelming amount of material to sort through.  We recommend hiring temporary help.   Especially during the summer months, nephews, nieces, cousins and sons, and daughters will be happy to be on the payroll to do the heavy lifting, and even to help scan!  It is also probably you’ll find reliable new employees this way when they graduate school looking for work, which is a win-win both for short-term and long-term prospects.


After the Transition

Without needing physical files, many staff members can operate in satellite campuses, allowing the office more room to house other equipment or even serve new purposes for your patients.  EMR allows you to effectively use EMR Billing Solutions, a US-based company which uses EMR records in providing a variety of services.  We can handle your billing, call patients who are late with payments, and even manage the fax queue!  We keep costs low by specializing in eClinicalWorks®, unlike other services that multitask,  allowing us to out-perform the competition in terms of both quality and price!