What are the Costs of Not Using an eClinicalWorks® Billing Company?

When medical practices consider hiring a billing company, usually their main question is, “What is the cost?” While this is an important question to ask when deciding if this is a viable service for your business to utilize, it is equally important to ask, “What are the costs of not using an eClinicalWorks® billing company?” In this blog post we will describe some of the costs medical practices can have if they don’t use an eClinicalWorks® billing company like EMR Billing Solutions.

  1. In-House Billing Staff: When you do billing in-house, you are paying billing staff either hourly or a salary. This might be the best choice for your business but for many smaller medical practices, they don’t have enough billing to have a full-time billing staff member. Some practices find themselves paying employees who don’t have enough work to do or have a hard time finding someone who only wants a few hours a week of billing work. Staffing for billing can be tricky, especially when your medical practice only has a handful of practitioners. It’s actually more cost-effective to outsource.
  2. Write-Offs Due to Error: If your billing staff in-house doesn’t have the level of training billing professionals have, they can miss payment from patients or insurance companies due to error. Not using the right medical coding is a big way practices see money fall through the cracks because insurance companies don’t pay the correct amounts if the billing is inaccurate.
  3. Billing Companies Charging Too Much: When a billing company works with practices using a variety of EMR systems, their training and staffing costs are higher, putting more of the cost on you. When you use EMR Billing Solutions, the cost is lower because we only have to train on and stay up-to-date with one system.

These are just some of the costs of not using an eClinicalWorks® medical billing company like EMR Billing Solutions. Spend your money in the right place to get the most returns with EMR Billing Solutions.