2 Tips From an eClinicalWorks® Medical Billing Company
As a medical billing company, EMR Billing Solutions sees it all. We see companies that succeed and fail. We see government changes to health insurance. We see new technologies come in and change the industry. And since we are so well-versed in the medical billing process, we wanted to share 2 tips from an eClinicalWorks® medical billing company.
- EMR System Specific: We recommend health care providers use a medical billing company that specializes in the EMR system they use. At EMR Billing Solutions, the thing that sets us apart is we only work with customers who use eClinicalWorks®. We found we prefer to excel at one thing rather than follow to model of many of our competitors—which is to be the jack of all trades and masters of none. By doing so, we have the advantage of superior knowledge of eClinicalWorks® and the ability to charge half of what some of our competitors charge.
- Don’t Undervalue RCM: You cannot undervalue revenue cycle management. Sure, you may be able to complete the billing process in-house. But do you have the same level of expertise, devotion, and resources able to be used throughout to the entire revenue cycle? Using EMR Billing Solutions ensures you aren’t losing money at any part of that cycle. We bring in more revenue for our customers through this diligence.
If you want to you more about EMR Billing Solutions, using a billing company that specializes in your EMR system, and provides excellent RCM, contact us today for more information.