3 Places Your Revenue Cycle Could Use Some Attention

For small to medium health care practices, revenue cycle management is a key component to getting the revenue you need to cover bills, pay staff, and have a successful career yourself. If you are looking for revenue cycle management to help with your billing procedures in 2018, EMR Billing Solutions works with eClinicalWorks® providers to bring in the most money for the services provided. According to the Healthcare Financial Management Association the revenue cycle is

“all the administrative and clinical functions that contribute to the capture, management and collection of patient service revenue.”

Having said that, here are 3 possible places your revenue cycle could benefit from some attention from the qualified staff at EMR Billing Solutions.

  1. Billing: Properly billing claims is an essential part of collections. Insurance companies won’t pay for services that are billed incorrectly. Or perhaps they will pay some, but not all, of the billed amount, which can leave the medical practice or patient in a bad position. At EMR Billing Solutions, we help make sure your bills are billed correctly so you can get the most money for the services rendered.
  2. Remittance Processing: Remittance processing applies or rejects payments, making sure the payments are applied to the correct procedures. While this may seem like a simple part of the process, clearing out bills correctly is essential to having a clean accounts receivable report.
  3. Third-Party Follow-Up: Third-party follow-up involves billing secondary insurance companies or other third parties after the initial payment is received. For example, a patient with Medicare may also have a secondary insurance like United Healthcare that will cover more of the bill.

These are just three places of the revenue cycle that EMR Billing Solutions can help. If your health care practice is searching for revenue cycle management services and you use eClinicalWorks® for your electronic medical records, contact us today at EMR Billing Solutions.