What are the Benefits of Expert Billing Service PLUS?
If you are looking into the services EMR Billing Solutions offers for eClincialWorks® billing solutions there are two choices to pick from. In this blog post, we will highlight the advantages of picking our plan that offers the most services—the Expert Billing Service PLUS plan. There are a number of advantages this plan offers over the Expert Billing Service that you may find worth the extra .9%. The size of your clinic, the amount of insurance claims you process, and the staff you already have will most likely determine which plan is right for your practice.
What extra features does the Expert Billing Service PLUS offer?
The main additional feature is access for your customers to our expert call center staff. The call center at EMR Billing Solutions is open at convenient hours from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm EST every day. This window allows for a client to find a time to make a call about a billing question.
Besides taking phone calls about billing inquires, our staff also follows up with your patients via phone to help prevent over-due bills. Someone from our staff will call your patients 14 days after they receive an invoice to follow up with them about the bill. And then if 21 days pass without receiving payment, your client will get another phone call just making sure they didn’t forget and answering any questions.
How will this help your clinic?
There are a number of ways these services will help your clinic. A few of them are:
- More money sooner
- More time for your staff to handle other tasks
- Less confusion about bills for your patients
- Less stress for your front desk staff
If you think this service would benefit your clinic and you want to know more, contact us today at EMR Billing Solutions.