How eClinicalworks® support can Benefit your Firm

eClinicalworks® is the most popular Electronic Medical Records management system. Apart from clinical solutions, they also offer services such as patient engagement, population health, EHR suite, etc.  Once your medical facility has eClinicalworks® in its system, question of tech-savvy comes into the picture. eClinicalworks® support refers to resources that aid you in maneuvering eclinical technology. One of the needs for your firm is a working billing system. Some businesses find paying their employees quite a struggle. Before you drown in regulatory and financial pressures, have a look at these eclinical support options.

When running a solo practice, you find yourself having human resource without the right expertise. Your end billing process is left naked, and at the same time, your firm needs to pay one more undeserved salary. EMR Billing Solutions is an eClinicalworks® based support that offers you personalized services. It employs professional medical billing to trim your firm’s operational costs to amplify your business profits. It provides a robotic workflow to meet RCM benchmarks and prevent any snags in your company.

Your firm is getting larger, and your technical support needs are increasing. IT healthcare costs can keep you from achieving your goals and getting new technologies for your business. eClinicalworks® is a perfect way to handle your insurance/bills and reimburse them. You can have the support schedule patient appointments, contract negotiation, AR follow-up, eligibility verification, etc. Also, you get free practice analysis as they scrutinize any possible pitfalls and a consulting firm on advanced EHR technologies.

You have to take the first step intro the future by incorporating eClinicalworks® into your medical firm. EMR Billing Solutions offers eClinicalworks® based medical billing service and is here to lubricate every step in your transition.

What Is eClinicalWorks®? Answers Here

When medical practices are in search of a system for the electronic medical records, there are a number of systems to choose from. But the leading choice in the industry is eClinicalWorks®, a cloud-based system for EHR or EMR. According to the eClinicalWorks® website,

“We are 4,500 employees working toward the same goal [improving healthcare] and we are driven to succeed in providing the healthcare technology solutions of today and tomorrow.”

Clearly, those at eClinicalWorks® are passionate about helping you, the healthcare provider, and helping your patients as well. At EMR Billing Solutions, we are also passionate about helping you and your patients. We saw a need to bridge the gap between providers and eClinicalWorks® when it comes to billing. Billing can be a complicated process and if it isn’t done properly and with a lot of care money can easily be left behind. That is why you want to best professionals processing your medical billing.

At EMR Billing Solutions, we understand exactly what eClinicalWorks® customers need. We only work with eClinicalWorks® providers, bringing them the best service possible. Unlike other billing companies that try to know every aspect of many ever-changing softwares systems, EMR Billing Solutions only focuses on eClinicalWorks®. We quickly implement any necessary changes after all updates and stay on top of each nuance.

Everyone wants the best healthcare possible because they value their lives and their loved one’s lives. eClinicalWorks® helps you provide the best healthcare possible. And we at EMR Billing Solutions can help you too by providing quality medical billing for the best prices in the market. Contact us today for more information.

The Exciting News About eClinicalWorks® Pricing

Using eClinicalWorks® is a great system to use for electronic medical records. It is trusted by nearly one million providers around the globe. But when it comes to medical billing, users may want some extra support. That is why EMR Billing Solutions exists. We exist to help eClinicalWorks® customers with their billing. The eClinicalWorks® pricing for medical billing support can vary quite a bit from billing company to billing company. But at EMR Billing Solutions, we undercut many of our competitors and provide superior service.

How are we able to do this? The answer is simple. We only work with health care practices that use eClinicalWorks®. Instead of the “jack of all trades, master of none” approach other billing companies take, we focus on being proficient in every aspect of eClinicalWorks®, staying on top of updates to the system and making any modifications promptly. Honing in on this one system allows us to keep our prices low.

EMR Billing Solutions offers two different pricing packages. The Expert Billing Service includes billing for your clinic that will bring an increase to your revenue. The cost for this service is 3%. The Expert Billing Service Plus includes the standard billing, the use of our call center for your patients who call with questions about their bills, and follow-up calls to your patients after they receive a bill. The Expert Billing Service Plus is 3.9%.

We recommend the Expert Billing Service Plus to practices that don’t want to or aren’t able to keep up with their incoming call volume regarding billing. Our call center staff is available from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST to answer your patient’s questions. EMR Billing Solutions makes sure your patients are able to get answers about all of their billing questions.

At EMR Billing Solutions, we offer great prices and exceptional services. Contact us today for more information.

Why People Choose EMR Billing Solutions

EMR Billing Solutions is a billing company that works with practitioners who use eClinicalWorks® for their electronic medical records. When it comes to eClinicalWorks® billing, we are the best in the market. But why do people choose EMR Billing Solutions?

eClinicalWorks® Experts

One thing many of our clients experience before come to EMR Billing Solutions are billing companies that don’t fully know the world of eClinicalWorks®. They work with multiple EMR systems, so it would be impossible for these companies to know the ins and outs of all of them. At EMR Billing Solutions, we only work with practitioners who use eClinicalWorks®. This makes our service unparalleled. We are always educated on new features, react to all updates quickly, and are confident with our knowledge of the full system’s functionality.

Saving Money

We help our clients save money by charging an industry-low rate of 3%. Not only does this help our clients save money, but we also increase their revenue. We have one of the highest collection rates in the industry. We have a number of ways we achieve this. One of them is our method of patient follow-up. We always treat your patients very politely and professionally over the call. This allows them to ask us any questions and we can make sure they get answers to all of their questions.

At EMR Billing Solutions, we pride ourselves on excellent customer service for our client’s patients, high collection rates for our clients, and a superior knowledge of eClinicalWorks®. This is why our clients choose us. For more information about EMR Billing Solutions, contact us today.

Using eClinicalWorks® for Better Phone Service Related to Invoice Inquiries

Trying to train your staff for proper phone etiquette can become a major chore when you’re short on time. It’s also a time drag for your medical staff when they have so many other duties to attend to. This doesn’t work like a regular call center where employees exclusively deal with employees on the phone for hours at a time.

Your medical staff are already overworked. Ultimately, you shouldn’t expect them to adhere to dozens of phone policies with so much else on their minds.

The danger is burning your staff out to a point where their phone etiquette suffers.

The Challenges With Friendly Customer Care

Calling patients who haven’t paid their invoices can easily become a dicey situation for your staff. It can sometimes lead to calls going too long, including upset patients who perhaps can’t financially afford their medical bills.

In turn, this can lead to poor customer care on your staff’s part. Pressures from talking to irate patients while keeping up with other duties can become too much to handle.

You don’t want your staff snapping back at patients during tense moments. This only defeats the purpose of good customer care.

Outsourcing Your Phone Duties

If you work with eClinicalWorks® to help you better organize your medical billing procedures, outsourcing your phone duties to an expert eClinicalWorks® team gives you everything you need.

We do this through EMR Billing Solutions. You won’t find many outsourced billing services doubling as the best eClinicalWorks® experts you’ll find anywhere.

Our phone operators can take over your phone duties and use the above software with ease. Now you can remove a heavy weight from your staff who don’t have time to learn new eClinicalWorks® upgrades, or talk on the phone for long hours.

Better Timing for Reaching Patients

No doubt you’ve realized reaching patients at certain times of the day works better when inquiring about their invoices. The trouble is, it may require overtime to reach patients in the late afternoon-early evening hours.

Our team is readily available to contact your patients during the day time so that any query by the patient regarding his/her statement is answered in a professional manner.

Best of all, our lines are always open from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EDT, giving your patients a wide time window to call us with any questions.

Through our dedicated commitment to good customer care, we know how to handle sensitive billing matters. When patients become upset on the phone, our total experience helps understand how to calm the situation and work it out in an efficient manner without stress.

Visit us at EMR Billing Solutions to learn more about our eClinicalWorks® expertise and our phone support as the best in the industry.

What is eClinicalWorks® and How Can EMR Billing Solutions Help You?

Working in the health care community, you may or may not be familiar with eClinicalWorks®. If you aren’t familiar with it, eClinicalWorks® is a software used for electronic health care records. Since electronic health care records are necessary now for those in the industry, more and more businesses are turning to eClinicalWorks®. In fact, nearly one million providers use eClinicalWorks®. It works for both providers in small clinics and hospitals alike. For more information on eClinicalWorks® check out their webpage.

At EMR Billing Solutions, we work hard to support those who use eClinicalWorks® by offering billing solutions for the best prices in the industry. Billing is a part of your business that needs the attention of experts if you want to get the most money possible. Health care, while rewarding, can be very challenging because people sometimes need care they cannot afford. But where does that leave you as the practitioner? Whether you represent a hospital with a huge overhead, or a small clinic with only a few practitioners, it doesn’t work to not receive payment for the services rendered.

Here are a few ways EMR Billing Solutions works to get our clients the most money possible:

  • Lower charges: At EMR Billing Solutions, we only work with clients who use eClinicalWorks®. This makes our overhead lower and we are able to pass the savings on to you.
  • Experts working with insurance companies: Our trained experts stay on top of all of the changes in the insurance world, from Medicare to private insurance companies. Changes in the industry don’t concern us because we are prepared to help you through them.
  • Patient communication: We speak with your clients over the phone several weeks after a bill has been sent out and follow up a few weeks after that to make sure your clients don’t have any confusion over the charges and help remind them that payment is due.

These are just a few ways that EMR Billing Solutions will help the revenue stream in your business. For more information, contact us today.

What Makes for an eClinicalWorks® Expert? Outsourcing to the Right Expert Team

Outsourcing is everywhere when it comes to business processes. The trouble is, some charge more than others, and have different variations in expertise. In the world of medical billing, this could prove problematic if you expect them to use the leading software, eClinicalWorks®.

The best outsourcing service for billing always makes sure this software is top of mind. However, it should require thorough knowledge of all features rather than a basic understanding of what eClinicalWorks® does.

Staying Educated on New Features

One thing about the above software is that it continually updates on new features, making it necessary to download add-ons at times to keep up with demands. This costs you money if doing it yourself, as it already does just to license eClinicalWorks® in the first place.

Why bother with this when an outsourced billing service already uses the software? Before you sign the contract, though, ask them if they continually keep up with new features. It often takes some time to educate yourself on what’s involved, not including training.

Now you know why it’s better to outsource since you’ll have a fully trained staff ready to go without needed downtime.

Proficiency at Full Functionality

Since eClinicalWorks® has a bundle of features, it pays to hire a billing service team that knows every function and not just a basic overview. Sometimes you’ll find outsourcing services that only give a cursory read to the software’s abilities.

With a fully trained staff, they’ll know a lot of shortcuts and features that even you never learned if working with eClinicalWorks® before. The more they know, the faster they can get your billing procedures done to the benefit of your staff and patients.

Installing Updates

Another thing this software requires is continual updates for security and upgrade purposes. Not paying attention to this could make the software vulnerable to cyber security threats. Having patient data compromised is the last thing you want when trying to follow-up on invoices.

Any quality outsourcing team for billing is going to continually update eClinicalWorks® to keep data safe. Upgrades occur without costing you extra money as other services sometimes charge.

Visit us at EMR Billing Services so we can give you cost-efficient billing services with the best eClinicalWorks® experts in the industry.

Using eClinicalWorks® Solutions to Eliminate Patient Invoice Follow-Up Issues

If you’ve done an internal audit of your medical clinic lately, did you scope out exactly what’s taking the most time and creating stress for your staff? Anything still being done as a manual task is likely going to create more pressure than it should. It’s also going to lead to a lot of overtime hours, something your already overworked staff don’t want.

Dealing with invoice follow-ups for patients is likely being called out by your staff as being one of the worst tasks. When you put together the amount of time involved to follow-up on medical payments, it probably exceeds what you want for high productivity levels.

Outsourcing Your Invoice Follow-Ups

When you outsource this duty to a eClinicalWorks® expert team, you’re able to remove half a day’s work while also avoiding working with software. The eClinicalWorks® platform is one that can become expensive if licensing the program on your own. It’s the same with the learning curve needed for efficient operation.

An outsourced team is already an expert in using eClinicalWorks®, giving you a chance for your employees to focus on other things.

Consider the amount of time it takes just to reach late payment patients over specific time intervals.

Following Up on Specific Dates

Some medical facilities rely on automation to aid with follow-ups on late invoice payments. This works for more impersonal emails or text messaging, though it doesn’t give the human touch.

Making direct phone calls and contacting patients at the appropriate times works better with human beings working as an outsourced team.

They’ll do all the courtesy calls you’d normally do after 14 days of no payment, and at the 21-day interval. Most importantly, your outsourced group takes the time to answer questions from customers if the latter has confusion over when they’re supposed to pay.

It’s always essential to allow extra time for some patients, especially if they’re older. You may not have enough time for patient questions because of your restricted schedule.

Is There a Cost to These Outsourced Follow-Up Calls?

Through other sources, you’d likely be charged a considerable fee for invoice follow-up service. At EMR Billing Solutions, we provide the service for free through our Expert Billing Service PLUS.

Visit us to find out more about our outsourced billing services to ease overtime pain.

Top 2 Reasons to Use a Billing Company

Owning and operating a medical practice is an incredibly rewarding but challenging job. There are many parts to the job—taking care of patients, managing employees, and making sure your business stays viable. But you probably got into your line of work for the patients. And if that is the case, you may feel bogged down by some of the other tasks that come with running a medical practice. If you can relate to this and you still do your own billing in-house, this blog is for you. These are our top 2 reasons to use a billing company.

  1. Make More Money: You know the phrase—you have to spend money to make money. This couldn’t be more true when it comes to billing. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be smart with how. Paying billing staff in-house can be hit or miss. Depending on the size of your clinic, it might cost you more to train and keep a billing staff than just sending your billing outside.
  2. Highly Trained Professionals: Some medical practices have enough demand for billing that they have a full-time biller. But for many smaller clinics, one of your front desk staff or maybe your office manager is doing your billing. While they surely do their best, they aren’t highly trained professionals like the staff at a medical billing service. Billing professionals know the ins and outs of billing codes, Medicare, and dealing with patients who need to pay.

Using highly trained professionals can make you more money and that is the bottom line when it comes to outsourcing your medical billing. For more information, contact us today at EMR Billing Solutions for eClinicialWorks® medical billing services.

Questions Answered About eClinicalWorks® based Medical Billing Service Cost

Using eClinicalWorks® is an excellent way to manage your electronic healthcare records. It is a software used by nearly one million practitioners for tracking their patient’s health histories and more. Like any software, there is a cost, and the eClinicalWorks® cost is one worth paying to be able to operate your business. However, there can be additional costs that come with using eClinicalWorks® other than the software itself.

One of these costs for many practitioners is the cost of using a medical billing service. At EMR Billing Solutions, we understand the importance of providing a billing service businesses can afford. Our target market is medical practices with 1-10 practitioners using eClinicalWorks®. We keep our cost low by focusing on this narrow market. This helps us be more efficient and keeps the cost to you one of the lowest in the industry.

We have two plans, both with industry-low pricing, just slightly different features. The first option is our Expert Billing Service for just 3% of your revenue. If you shop around, you will find that many of our competitors charge twice that. This is the basic level billing service meant for customers that can handle their own incoming calls from patients regarding billing.

The Expert Billing Service Plus will benefit customers who no longer want to take calls regarding billing. Our services include access to our call center so you can direct your customers to us with all of their billing questions. Ease the load of your front desk staff and let them focus on clients in your office. This service is only 3.9%.

For more information about the cost of eClinicalWorks® billing services, contact us today at EMR Billing Solutions.