How eClinicalWorks® Billing Helps Your Small Practice Survive MACRA

The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) of 2015 hits small practices hard! According to CMS, it’s projected that almost 70% of small practices with 2-9 doctors are likely to see a negative adjustment. Advocacy groups all over the nation, including the AMA, are speaking out against it: but the fact still stands that in January 2017, small practices will be in trouble.

But even if MACRA is delayed, it’s important for small practices to begin preparing: and we’re here to help! Our eClinicalWorks® billing solution can help small practices dramatically trim the time spent on their existing billing procedures, and by doing so, can save money where it counts.

EMR Billing Solutions: The Best Partner for Your Small Practice

We charge some of the lowest rates in the industry: 3% of gross revenue. This means that you can continue using your eClinicalWorks® licensing without paying high monthly fees and licensing costs, or their high ticket price. We help to put control back in the hands of solo practitioners and small practices by ensuring that you’ll never be stuck in a contract again.

But more than that, our HIPAA compliant systems submit claims daily, ensuring that you receive profits faster than with many other billing companies. Our expert staff can help your small practice begin integrating with our service immediately, ensuring that your billing processes are running smoothly within just a few business days.

MACRA is coming, EMR Billing Solutions wants to be the partner in your court, helping your small practice stay solvent, efficient, and economical. With our tight-turnaround billing systems, we help you retain more profits, all while delivering top-tier customer service.