What is eClinicalWorks® Revenue Cycle Management?
The revenue cycle in the healthcare industry is certainly not something that just runs itself. It takes a watchful eye and skilled professionals to make sure procedures are billed correctly, insurance companies receive the proper documentation, patients are treated with care while following up with overdue bills, and that all of this is completed in a timely manner so you can keep covering your costs as a provider.
At EMR Billing Solutions, we provide eClinicalWorks® revenue cycle management for health care providers using eClinicalWorks® for their electronic medical records. As a health care provider, you are probably familiar with the revenue cycle of your business. But if you need a refresher, check out this helpful flow chart.
There are many ways EMR Billing Solutions helps our clients throughout this cycle. For example, our billing professionals are experts on medical billing domain. Many times, bills are left unpaid by insurance companies because they were denied due to incorrect billing procedures. Don’t put unneeded pressure on your patients by turning over bills to them their insurance companies would pay if the procedures were billed correctly.
Another way we help is by coordinating seamless payment from third-party payers. Sometimes if a patient has more than one insurance provider, payments are delayed as the insurance companies hash out who will pay what portion of the bill. All of this can be behind the scenes for you if you allow EMR Billing Solutions to oversee your revenue cycle management.
For more information on how EMR Billing Solutions can provide your business with revenue cycle management, contact us today.