eClinicalWorks® Solutions: Auto-Pilot Faxing to Reduce Staff Burdens

One undeniable fact about medical clinics like yours is that staff burdens are common when relying on manual systems. With constantly changing regulations and never-ending paperwork, your staff likely feel overwhelmed when you depend on them to send documents to the right place.

In the age we’re living in, there isn’t any need, especially when remote management is more prevalent. If you think such a system is overly complicated or expensive, think again.

With electronic management through eClinicalWorks®, and our own system at EMR Billing Solutions, you can make tasks like faxing a more efficient and non-expensive process.

Dealing With Sending Faxes Manually

Stop and realize how much time becomes wasted when you force your staff to send hundreds of faxes to the appropriate medical department. Much of your staff may feel frustrated spending too much time on ordinary office duties when they want to spend more time helping patients.

With an auto-pilot fax system, you don’t have to place such a weight on your medical team. Yet, the more you expect them to send faxes manually, the more apt mistakes could occur.

This becomes a major issue when they forget to send critical lab tests to the right place for analysis. It could place your reputation on the line.

Using an Outside Team to Manage Your Faxes

Using a dependable remote management team to send faxes on time, your staff won’t feel stressed coming to work every day. Place yourself in their shoes and imagine coming to work and seeing all waiting faxes already filed and routed hours earlier.

Now you see what’s possible when you realize how technology changes all medical office procedures.

Going through us at EMR Billing Solutions, you only have to pay an industry low of 45¢ per document.

Spending More Time With Patients

Allowing an auto-pilot fax system into your office saves up more time than you think. It’s going to bring hours of time your staff can use to focus on patient needs.

Since today’s patients demand more personal care than ever, you need to find the right technology to lift office burdens your staff have endured for years.

At the same time, better managed faxes means faster test results and accuracy, proving you as an industry leader.

Visit us EMR Billing Solutions to learn about our services focusing on eClinicalWorks® users.