Good News for eClinicalWorks® Providers

Medical providers have a variety of EMR systems to choose from. But close to one million providers choose eClinicalWorks® for their electronic health records. This system lets them share information easily within the office and with other providers for improved workflow. And the system is entirely customizable depending on the needs of the practice. But many eClincialWorks® providers look for outside billing companies to complete their billing.

At EMR Billing Solutions we provide billing services for eClinicalWorks® providers and help them increase their revenue and lower their costs. We offer industry-low prices and specialize exclusively in eClinicalWorks®. This allows us to keep our costs low and our processes efficient. We are aware of each update or change in the system so we can continue billing processes without a pause.

Another great feature we offer with our Expert Billing Service PLUS is access to our trained call center staff for billing inquiries. So instead of your staff members taking time out of their days to answer questions about bills and EOBs, our devoted call center staff can answer those questions instead. And they will be able to speak with your patients about their bills with confidence because that is what they do day in and day out.

eClincalWorks® providers can increase their revenue stream and simplify their systems by switching to EMR Billing Solutions for their billing needs. Don’t spend more than you have to on billing services and let our professionals handle all of your billing including patient follow-up, past A/R, and more. Contact us at EMR Billing Solutions today for more information.