Maintaining Cash Flow With Outsourced eClinicalWorks® Billing Solutions
Running a small medical practice can become a challenge when you suddenly find yourself dealing with a common problem: Lack of cash flow. This is one of the most common hurdles small medical facilities like yours face, especially when patients won’t or can’t pay their bills.
Trying to collect on bill payments can become a true hassle without some expert help. Your best solution is outsourcing this to a dedicated team who can help your reputation, leading to better cash flow.
Persuading Patients to Pay Their Invoices
A lot of times, patients simply don’t pay their medical bills because they don’t understand what they owe. Their EOBs are perhaps too confusing to understand without someone being able to effectively explain.
Other times, patients simply forget to pay and need a reminder phone call so you can receive a timely payment.
This is where an outsourced phone team comes in to use experienced agents who’ve dealt with every conceivable situation.
Calling at the Right Times
Often, the time you reach a patient about their bill matters in what their response is. A quality billing service with phone agents know that patients are easier to reach in evening hours after coming home from work.
Your outsourced team stays open until early evening hours to make these calls so you don’t force your own staff to work overtime.
With effective explanation of the patient’s bill, the chances are better they’ll pay immediately and keep your cash flow going.
Helping Your Reputation
What your patients think of you is going to have a direct correlation to how much cash flow you maintain. Patients may not pay their bills if they feel you haven’t adequately explained what they need to know.
It’s why outsourcing is so smart in these scenarios. With experienced phone agents, they’ll know how to explain complex terms in ways anyone can understand. Working on your behalf, they’ll help you maintain the stellar reputation you’ve worked hard to build up.
Remember, if you lose your reputation, you may never get it back without some help.
Visit us at EMR Billing Solutions so we can provide this outsourced service for your small medical practice. We’re experts in eClinicalWorks®, one of the top billing software solutions in the world.