Skeptical of the Cost of Using and eClinicalWorks® Billing Company?

For someone running a small medical practice, it’s only natural to be skeptical of outsourcing your billing. Running a small business, you have to be aware of where each dollar goes, because each one is essential to the success of the business. You can’t waste revenue on a billing company that is going to take a significant cut of the earnings.

EMR Billing Solutions understands this dilemma and is proud to help small businesses by providing our services for only 3% or 3.9%. If you’ve been shopping around for a billing company, you already know that this is an industry-low price. And sometimes, when a good or service is priced on the low end of the spectrum, people assume the quality isn’t up to par.

However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth with EMR Billing Solutions. We are able to keep our prices so low because of some very intentional choices in our business model. The main one of these choices that passes the savings onto our customers is that we only work with providers who use eClinicalWorks® for their electronic medical records. That we were don’t have to train our staff on the variety of EMR systems out there and we don’t have to take the time or resources to stay up to date on each of these systems.

For just 3% you billing can be completed and at a more successful rate than before. And for 3.9%, we offer our call center to patients of our clients so they can have all of their billing questions answered without taking time away from your staff. To find out more about the eClinicalWorks® cost for billing, contact us today at EMR Billing Solutions.