Specialists Focused Upon Your Chosen PM Software

A multitude of billing and coding companies offer service to today’s ever-evolving medical business environment. A majority purport to specialize in revenue cycle management of several leading EMR and PM systems, yet seem to have a “one-size-fits-all” feel. EMR Billing Solutions is different. Headquartered in the United States, we are experts in revenue cycle management of eClinicalWorks® and we process claims same-day.

Performance measures and reporting directives (such as Meaningful Use and PQRS) have driven today’s medical practice to engage in comprehensive research when preparing to invest in EMR and practice management software. You want a system that can be easily upgraded to meet the seemingly endless mandates that continually impact the medical care realm. Ultimately, you’ve chosen eClinicalWorks® because of its robust practice management features and intensive customization capabilities, but find it cost-prohibitive to provide the I.T. training to your staff to the degree necessary for them to perform software customization, report creation/generation, etc. As dedicated eClinicalWorks® specialists, we are accomplished in these areas, which enable us to efficiently process your claims and get those reimbursements quicker.

A multitude of factors play into the denial and rejection of insurance claims: Mismatched codes, insufficient documentation, incorrect demographic information, etc. EMR Billing Solutions can help lower your rejection numbers by utilizing eClinicalWorks®’s robust reporting module. Reports can be created to identify trends that cause claim rejection, giving us the necessary information to focus on areas of the software which can be modified to automatically drop that missing modifier or alert to situations where there may be missing documentation.

You’ve chosen eClinicalWorks® to manage your most valuable asset: Your medical practice. A one-size-fits-all billing company simply cannot deliver the in-depth experience, efficiency, and turn-around time that EMR Billing Solutions can provide.

Call upon the specialists who support only eClinicalWorks®. We take all the work you do in the process of caring for your patients and transition it to maximum dollars per visit. We process claims same-day. We can help lower claim denials and rejections, and improve your cash flow. Contact us for customized, affordable pricing for your private practice.