
eClinicalWorks® Joins the Carequality Network

Recently eClinicalWorks® announced it has joined the Carequality framework. The conversion to Electronic Health Records (EHR) is decreasing costs, increasing efficiency and improving the quality of care. However, greater benefits can be seen by allowing health care systems that use different EHR systems to communicate. Carequality provides the needed framework for that interoperability and eClinicalWorks® is taking steps to ensure it is at the forefront of this collaboration.

A Pilot Program

eClinicalWorks® and Epic, two of the most widely used EHRs in the nation are piloting their connection in Minnesota through Entira Family Clinics, which uses eClinicalWorks®, and HealthEast Hospital, which uses Epic. Through the Carequality framework, data from both systems is accessed in real-time and added to the patient’s record. As a result, medical professionals at both facilities can see the latest activity, resulting in better patient care. “Many of our patients are also seen by doctors at HealthEast Hospital, which could have created challenges due to different systems. Instead, we have a seamless view into our patients’ care, regardless of where it occurred,” explained Dr. David Thorson of Entira Family Clinics. If the pilot is successful, the coordination of these two EHR companies will impact communication across more than 1,000 hospitals and 40,000 clinics. In total, over 70 organizations have joined the Carequality framework.

Dedicated to Enhancing Care

“Patients are seen in multiple settings that employ various systems. Our responsibility as vendors is to make this transition as seamless as possible,” explained Girish Navani, CEO and co-founder of eClinicalWorks®. Health care technology is a competitive environment. However, this collaboration shows the dedication of eClinicalWorks® to enhance patient care and provide doctors and organizations with the best tools possible. In fact, Dr. Thorson of Entira Family Clinics said interoperability was one of the main reasons his organization selected eClinicalWorks®.

Are you concerned about patients that see physicians at facilities that do not use eClinicalWorks®? Talk to the experts at EMR Billing Solutions to see if interoperability is possible. We’re dedicated to ensuring that you get the most out of eClinicalWorks®.