eClinicalWorks® in Texas
If you are a user of eClinicalWorks® in Texas, then you already know the benefits of the system – as well as its complexities. If you are considering implementing eClinicalWorks® in the near future, possibly comparing EMRs, then even more so.
Big Solutions for a Large and Diverse State
Whether you represent a small local practice or have offices throughout Texas, the Lone Star state is truly one of a kind, with a breadth and diversity unmatched in the country. What works for one group may not work for another. Your clients come from a variety of socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds, and their rights are protected by state and federal laws which fluctuate over time, often at the forefront of national policy. As a medical professional in Texas, you have a lot to worry about, which is why you need a billing solution you can rely on to get the work done efficiently and well.
The less time you have to worry about billing, and the more you are able to recoup, the more time and resources you will have to spend on your clients. An efficient, effective third-party billing system can also help you to minimize your exposure and risk by respectfully and professionally handling billing concerns without your direct involvement.
EClinicalWorks® in Texas
It should therefore come as no surprise to find that eClinicalWorks® has a key place in Texas healthcare. As of September 29th, 2015, eClinicalWorks® now has offices in Austin TX, making Texas the sixth state to have an official presence by this growing, Massachusetts-based company. Considering the size and importance of Texas, this move makes sense. In recent years, two major segments of the healthcare industry in Texas have embraced eClinicalWorks®: Texas State Universityand Memorial Mermann Health Network Providers.
If you are considering an EMR billing solution in Texas, eClinicalWorks® makes sense. And if you combine it with the eClinicalWorks® experts in medical billing, you will have the best medical billing resources in the world. Why not streamline costs and provide clients with the best experience by doing as others have done? Call (877) 461-2641 and let the experts help you.