
An eClinicalWorks® Medical Billing Solution Can Help You Keep A Healthy Flow Of Revenue

Choosing to outsource your medical billing can be a great decision.

Many medical practices choose to outsource their billing when they think they do not have the right people or enough people to get the job done, or they feel they do not have enough finances or resources to use in-house billing. There is a strong debate as to which method is more affordable. But lately outsourcing is a clear choice for most medical practices.

For the medical practices that want to outsource their billing, there are some areas to look out for when you are choosing a medical billing company that you will be using for a few years.

When you are looking to use a medical billing solution, such as eClinicalWorks® medical billing, you have to choose correctly because your practice will depend on it.


When you outsource your billing, it is recommended that your medical billing solution has a compliance plan. If the company you are considering does have a compliance plan, you will want to make sure they stick to those plans and procedures. There should be no issues regarding letting customers look over their compliance plans.


Yes, experience is certainly something to look for in a medical billing solution. However, we do not want to rule out the newer medical billing solution. There are some new billing services who have the right experience and they are continuing to enhance their knowledge. If you choose a medical billing solution that has a small clientele, this could mean they could spend more time on your practice.


As a physician, it will be your responsibility to understand coding. Coding can also be an entirely different service, but a good medical billing solution will have knowledge about any coding problems you may have, so that you can consult them, when needed.


The good news is that now you can get compliance, coding suggestions and the necessary experiance all under one roof. By signing up with EMR Billing Solutions, you can be rest assured that you are dealing with a company that is HIPAA complaint, has necessary experiance and is specialized at handling your eClinicalWorks® medical billing needs.

Call in at (877) 461-2641 or write at to get in touch with a specialist who can help you out.