
Anticipated Features for eCW® Version 10!

The anticipation is rising at EMR Billing Solutions! In the coming weeks, eClinicalWorks® will be releasing their best version yet, Version 10. We are eager to discuss some of the highly anticipated features.

The new eCW® V10 provides users with a “Buddy List” feature that sends copies to all providers with a single click. Patient Documents now include a search feature that allows side-by-side comparison. In Progress Notes, there is an option to hide Blue Hyperlinks. In addition, the Security Settings include a Search Field, a new Down’s Syndrome Growth Chart, and an Immunization Enhancements to forecast upcoming immunizations. In fact, A Clinical Rules Engine will allow users to create a rule for multiple users to receive lab results.

Additional V10 features include:

  • Patient Portal for facility to route messages
  • Bulk Appointments Transfers for appointments to and from numerous providers
  • Demographic Validations with real-time UPS address validation
  • Multiple Copay Abilities that define PCP Copay versus Specialist Copay
  • Easy-to-read Insurance Eligibility Reports
  • Denial Management featuring Analytics by code, and the ability to work with rejected claims
  • CDSS Numerator and Denominator procedures for the practice
  • Windows in HPI for Assessment and Treatment with an enlarge feature
  • DRTLA Tab for assistance when inserting labs into Progress Notes
  • Labs with cancel option and Drug Interaction Alerts
  • ABN ability to sign with signature pad and save to Document Tree
  • Multi-select option for visit types and statuses

Version 10 offers numerous new features and improvements! EMR Billing Solutions can’t wait to indulge in the eClinicalWorks® V10!