
Hiring an eClinicalWorks® Billing Service Based in the U.S. Improves Communication

Medical offices who use eClinicalWorks® Electronic Medical Records have a great option when it comes to partnering with a billing service based in the United States. EMR Billing Solutions only works with eClinicalWorks®, so is able to provide expertise and affordable pricing. In addition to this we’re a U.S. based company, which goes a long way in improving customer relations and overall communications.


Understanding Brings Results

We’ve all been there: talking to a person from a foreign country (like India) when trying to get business done with a U.S. company. Although, often they’re very nice people, the communication level is degraded and we can’t be understood well enough to get the help we need.

If medical offices want to get the best results around resolving patient billing, hiring a company based in the U.S. with native English-speaking representatives is the best option. This way your patients will be understood and the clarified communications will better resolve difficult issues.

Not only will better results occur for the bottom-line, but patients will be less frustrated and feel more connected to your medical practice. Whether medical offices like it or not, who they choose to take care of their billing represents their company in a vital way.


Clarity of Understanding, Expertise, and Affordability

This may sound too good to be true, but EMR Billing Solutions is able to offer industry leading pricing because of our innovative direction to only work with eClinicalWorks®. This allows our service and your practice to simplify and streamline all processes, while saving money and getting a HIPAA compliant, professional billing service.

Being based in the U.S. is just one of the many reasons why we’re the best choice for medical practices to outsource their billing departments to. We keep it simple by offering three choices to choose from, depending on your need: Expert Billing Service, Expert Billing PLUS, and Fax Auto Pilot.

Our service takes care of the headaches of dealing with billing questions, follow-ups, faxes to insurance companies, and more. And all at an industry low rate starting at 3 percent, along with unmatched collection rates. In addition to these, clients can rest assured knowing no contract is needed with our service.



Medical practices using eClinicalWorks® are going to benefit in more ways than one by using EMR Billing Solutions. We believe patients deserve to be understood and so does your staff, and being based in the U.S. means no misunderstandings will ensue because of a foreign dialect. This will result in satisfied customers and paid bills in the end.

Take the headache out of the complicated and laborious billing process, and put your trust in a proven service based in the U.S. with expertise in eClinicalWorks®. If interested in learning more, please contact us today.


Change The Face Of Your Practice With eClinicalworks® Medical Billing Services

The job of a physician and the job of a nurse is very important. Physicians and nurses are the ones who are responsible for ensuring patients are healthy and receiving the treatment they need.

However, doctors and nurses cannot do their jobs without a team of people who ensure that medical billing is being done correctly. Someone has to understand medical codes and make sure they are all current so that the insurance companies will properly reimburse.

There are many benefits of medical billing, and using a service like eClinicalworks® medical billing can bring several benefits to a medical practice. Some of those benefits are listed below:

Your Processes Will Be Automated

When your patients’ data is recorded using eClinicalworks®, it will automatically be connected to the billing system. This will make the entire process easier because you will not have to worry about information being added twice in the system. The information that is entered will be quickly sent through the required fields.


You will be able to access all of your reports and not wonder if the information is accurate. You will be able to access patients’ files and documents just by logging into the system.

Getting Back To Your Patients

When you have a team of people concentrating heavily on your medical billing, you will be able to put your attention on your patients and their needs. Also, when it is time to see a patient you will immediately be able to pull up their data because it will be logged into the system. All of their medical documents and personal information will be customized accordingly.

eClinicalworks® medical billing services can change the face of your medical practice. Your chances of improving your patients’ satisfaction and health will significantly increase when you have the right team of people on your side.


eClinicalWorks® Billing Services Can Turn Your Billing Process Into An Efficient One

One of the main questions that many medical facilities face is if they should outsource part or all of their medical billing to another party. Some physicians may think that outsourcing their medical billing to someone with more experience and more time may be best the choice. Others are on the fence and are not sure about the decision they should make.

You want to have the experts handle these services, right? You want people to process claims effectively and efficiently. However, it is important that you do not make any hasty decisions when it comes to this decision because it is a major one.

Every medical practice is not the same, and what works for one medical practice may not work for the other. You have to think about both sides before you make any decision.

eClinicalWorks® billing services will take care of all of the tough and dirty work for you. You will not have to worry about dealing with claims that have been rejected, following up with accounts that have not been paid, and sending numerous invoices to all of your patients. Not having to worry about this is a big reason why many medical facilities choose to not do their medical billing functions in-house.

You can make the process easier on yourself by letting an experienced team of professionals handle your billing services. When you outsource your billing services, you will be able to focus all of your attention on improving the lives and health of your patients.


eClinicalWorks® Billing Service to Boost Your Clinic

Spring is a lovely season. At Spring, you can do a few things to freshen up your medical clinic and make it ready for spring. When spring is in the air, your patients will appreciate you getting into the mood of spring with a few of these steps. Some things they will notice right away. Others they will just feel the overall effect of how they improve your clinic.

  1. Decorate for spring. Spring is an infectious time of year. Why not add a few spring decorations to your office? Maybe get a few lilies for your front desk and waiting room. You can find flower decals and window clings for your office as well, or Easter decoration too.
  2. Find an eClinicalWorks® billing service. Your patients can’t see this right away, but EMR Billing Solutions can take over your billing so you can focus on your patients and free up your staff to do the same. Let the mood in your office be the care for your patients, not your desire to get their money.
  3. Buy a spring scent to diffuse in your office. Try an essential oils diffuser and different combinations of essential oils to add a fresh, light scent to your office. Get rid of any musty winter smells.
  4. Open up the windows and crack your door. Get some fresh air into your practice. You patients, your staff, and you will enjoy it. And if you spend most of the day in your office, you deserve a hint of spring too, with a fresh breeze coming in.

To find out more about how EMR Billing Solutions can help your medical practice start making more money, contact us today.


Medical Billing Companies for eClinicalWorks®

Running your own medical practice is a lot of responsibility and one task that can easily be handed over to another professional, instead of being dealt with in-house is medical billing. But it can be hard to find eClinicalWorks® medical billing companies, a billing company that knows the EMR software you use, and knows how to help you with it. You don’t want to be forking over your money to a billing company and not be sure they are getting you as much money as possible.

Make sure you are getting all the money you can for your hard work by hiring EMR Billing Solutions to do your billing. Here are a two main ways that EMR Billing Solutions will get you more money right away.

  • Have less money going out the door. Many billing services charge up to 7% for their services. Not EMR Billing Solutions. We have billing plans that start at just 3%, so you are paying less to begin with.
  • We offer patient follow-up. After we send an invoice, we wait three days for it to get to your patient, and then we wait two weeks. If you don’t receive payment by that point, we give your patients a phone call, just to make sure they received the bill and see if they have any questions. After three weeks, we call them again, to make sure they don’t have any questions. These calls just help your patients pay on time instead of losing their bill in a stack of mail.

For more information on how EMR Billing Solutions can save your money, contact us today.


What Makes Us One of the Best eClinicalWorks® Billing Companies in the Industry

Small medical practices have been tortured over the last couple of years by governmental coding and billing changes. Companies have spent small fortunes training personnel how to properly code procedures and treatment plans only to have them improperly billed, costing the medical practice thousands of additional dollars in delayed or uncollected revenue. In addition, billing companies that had no real familiarity with health software used by each doctor’s office faced additional hardships in learning how to process billing with multiple software.

With all of the constant changes in healthcare, many have become frustrated  due to an inability to focus the necessary time on what’s important.  That’s why, if you utilize eClinicalWorks® in your practice, you can’t afford to go one more day without taking advantage of our expert services.

We are different from other eclinical works billing companies because:

  • We only work with practices who use eClinicalWorks® software. We know and understand every aspect of how this software functions, and we know how to properly process billing so that is handled as efficiently as possible.
  • Our fees are less than half of most of our competitors. Because we work with one software program, there is no need for excessive time spent training staff to adapt to changing protocol. Therefore, we can afford to charge less for our services, all while delivering outstanding service and support.
  • We handle everything that has to do with billing. Instead of your medical staff dealing with insurance companies, governmental agencies or patients regarding billing questions, we take care of the problem. This allows more time for your staff and you to care for patients and focus on the growth of your practice.

If your company uses eClinicalWorks® software, give us a call to see how we can help you take better control of the finances of your practice and make a difference in your financial future.


The Importance of eClinical Billing in the Medical Field

The claims process for medical insurance begins when a healthcare provider treats a patient and submits a bill of services to a health insurance company, or some other designated payer. The insurance company evaluates the claim and determines which, if any, services it will reimburse. The filing of claims can be both tedious and complicated, which can be annoying for patient and healthcare provider alike. Errors committed during the filing of claims can be particularly disastrous to a healthcare provider. Per Healthcare Business Tech:

It is estimated that doctors in the U.S. leave approximately $125 billion on the table each year due to poor billing practices. This is a stark reminder for physicians that providing optimal patient care is only one of the big factors in becoming a successful in the industry.

The development of e clinical based billing has simplified the process. The implementation of eClinicalWorks® based medical billing system i.e. EMR Billing Solutions has allowed companies to handle the billing for small clinics and doctor’s offices, thus cutting down on unnecessary errors. Not only that, but it speeds up the process of filing a claim, resulting in quicker payouts for the healthcare providers.

Because healthcare providers often do not have in-house staff who are experts in medical billing, and specifically the eClinicalWorks® system, it is especially important that they find a company with the necessary expertise and experience. One such company is EMR Billing Solutions. EMR Billing Solutions not only posses expertise with the eClinicalWorks®  system, but they also provide quality customer service for patients’ with complicated claims or other medical billing questions.


Manage Your Practice The Right Way With eClinicalWorks® Practice Management

Every health care facility has a certain type of medical care that it offers to patients. A health care facility has to create multiple networks in order for it to treat and care for patients at various locations. Some patients will need outpatient care and others will need inpatient care. This is why it is important for different locations to have the right staff of people.

Hospitals are equipped with various types of staff and specialties. Licensed professionals are hired to perform various functions that are critical to patient care and the entire operations of the hospital. Administrative staff members are hired to work in the hospital, mainly in the outpatient department.

Administrative staff and other personnel can work in various settings in the outpatient department. One of the main types of outpatient settings is found in physician offices. The physicians make sure the patients are taken care of, but the administrative staff members are responsible for ensuring the practice is being managed correctly.

The administrative staff has to do more than answer phone calls, take messages, register patients, make appointments, etc. This often becomes hectic as the staff is stuck between patient care and the medical billing of the practice. The entire practice has to be managed effectively in order to ensure things continue to run smoothly.

Usually the staff does not know how to use the right billing codes, gather the right insurance information, understand how to bill insurance companies, collect payments, handle referrals, etc. This is where you need to induct professionals in your practice.

It can be difficult to manage an entire practice when you do not have the right resources, but eClinicalWorks® based medical billing company has everything you need to effectively manage the practice.


Need eClinicalWorks® Billing Solutions?

If you are a medical provider and your clinic uses eClinicalWorks® for your electronic billing, you may be looking for eClinicalWorks® billing solutions. As a medical provider, maybe you are a chiropractor, a dentist, or a family practice doctor, you went to school to learn how to treat patients. You work hard to refine your craft and gain the confidence of your patients. The behind the scenes part of running you own practice is harder. They don’t usually teach you the nuances of billing in school.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by billing and you want to just focus on your patients and your practice, you can hand your billing over to experts at EMR Billing Solutions and they can handle your billing so you can get the most money. At EMR Billing Solutions, the trained representatives specialize in eClinicalWorks® electronic medical records. They don’t strive to be familiar with many different electronic medical records software programs. They just excel at taking care of clients who have the same EMR software, eClincalWorks®.

Many outsourced billing companies charge an arm and a leg for their services. Why would you want to give up 7% of your hard-earned income to a billing company? That is probably why you aren’t already doing it in the first place. But at EMR Billing Solutions, their services start at only 3%. That is less than half of what other billing companies are charging. For more information about their rates, and how EMR Billing Solutions can improve your clinic, contact them today.


eClinicalWorks® Support: A Case Study

Running a medical practice, you wear a lot of hats. If you are a medical provider, and you also own your own business, there are many challenges. If your practice uses eClinicalWorks® electronic medical records you may be needing some eClinicalWorks® based medical billing support when it comes to billing. You may have been trying to make billing work in-house, but you just need more help. Here is a fictional, yet realistic case study on a clinic that does in-house billing, and an explanation of how EMR Billing Solutions could change all of that.

Case Study: Dr. Rick owns his own chiropractic practice. He uses eClinicalWorks® EMR. He does his own billing in-house. His wife graciously helps him managing the office, and this includes billing. When patients have questions about their bill, she has to take their phone call and is often left trying to explain to them why their insurance company doesn’t pay as much as they would like for their services. In addition, Dr. Rick wants to hire an associate doctor, but that could potentially double their patients which would double the amount of insurance verification, billing follow-ups, and late patient payments. Dr. Rick is excited about the potential of his business growing, but the billing aspect overwhelms both him and his wife. They end up writing off a lot of outstanding balances because they don’t have the time or energy to pursue payment.

With EMR Billing Solutions, many of these things could be different for Dr. Rick. To start, Dr. Rick can send all of his patients with billing questions to EMR Billing Solutions. They can expertly discuss coverage, EOBs, and other billing questions with his patients. Also, Dr. Rick wouldn’t have to deal with the stress adding another doctor would cause on his billing and income. EMR Billing Solutions charges a low percentage rate and then do all of the follow-up, making sure Dr. Rick’s patients are paying on time.

Clearly, EMR Billing Solutions can make a world of difference in your medical practice. Contact today to find out more