
How Can eClinicalWorks® Billing Help Private Practices the Most?

In today’s world of advanced technology with a focus on improving the health care industry, many times private medical practices can feel overwhelmed and seem to struggle at keeping up with the big guys.  While everyone in the medical industry is hustling to provide quality care to everyone for a reasonable cost, it can be difficult to keep up with the changing economic landscape.  One major factor in the healthcare reformation includes the implementation of electronic health records.

When the electronic health records first became widely used they were met with skeptics and the die-hard paper file keepers. Once the systems were in place, it didn’t take long for even the naysayers to realize they were very efficient.  While some smaller practices felt they were too little to require this type of record keeping operation, it became more apparent the time and even money that could be saved while their workflow was also improved.  More details on that later, but first let’s look at what is an ideal solution for private practices.

No matter what size your practice may be, you will benefit from using a full-service medical billing company to help with your cash flow and show you a return on investment for your electronic medical record transition. Many are discovering that the eClinicalWorks® billing system offers an excellent solution to meet the needs of your organization.  A full service medical billing company such as EMR Billing Solutions specialized in working with the eClinicalWorks® Electronic Medical Record system.  Using a billing company that has an abundance of experience in business operations and the healthcare industry can provide the very best medical billing solution for your organization.

EMR Billing Solutions knows just how you feel, since they are not trying to be the biggest medical billing company, but rather the best revenue cycle management solution for eClinicalWorks® users. Some companies boast of trying to be the largest, while our focus is on proficiency using the best medical billing solution for eClinicalWorks®.

A recent press release for Healthcare Finance News revealed how a small town healthcare provider selected eClinicalWorks® for their system because it is one of the strongest and most sophisticated EMR system available. They also are known for using award-winning technology that is continuously being improved.  If you decide to use this and employ a dedicated eClinicalWorks® expert like EMR Billing Solutions to handle your billing needs and stay on top of the latest updates you will experience what we alluded to earlier..

The mission of EMR Billing Solutions is to make your life and your practice easier, more efficient and save you money on the service that you need the most.  To learn more about how you can benefit from the most effective, reliable and timely service to meet your needs contact us.


The 2014 CPT® Codes have Arrived!

EMR Billing Solutions is an innovative, full-service medical billing and coding company. After analyzing our success in the healthcare and business industry, we have chosen to work with eClinicalWorks® Electronic Medical Record. Our dedicated staff stays current with new updates, is educated on any new features, and is ready to answer any queries. As experts in eClinicalWorks® on all levels, we are devoted to continuing to master and understand the system to ensure full functionality.

Why did we select eClinicalWorks®?  We chose it because it is an award winning technology that’s easy to use and affordable. It streamlines administrative functions, improves patient experience, and enhances overall proficiency. In fact, it is one of the most technically advanced and most sophisticated electronic medical records in the medical industry! Since it is updated constantly, it is the best system possible, and we are proud to keep our clients up to date with its latest releases.

Therefore, EMR Billing solutions is excited to announce that eClinicalWorks® has released their newest update today for 2014 CPT® codes. If this is news to you, make sure to update your master fee schedule soon. As a matter of fact, we already updated the master fee schedules for all EMR Billing Solution clients free of charge! We take pride in our business, and take this opportunity to show you our support.

One in five of American’s health care data is stored with eClinicalWorks®, which makes it the biggest Software as a Service (SaaS) network in the industry!


Telemedicine and the Future!

EMR Billing Solutions believes that telecommunication technology is advancing the future of medicine by increasing access, improving care, and reducing costs. As always, we are here to keep you informed of any changes that may affect you or your practice.

New insurance exchange policies in 2014 should include coverage for telemedicine services, as determined by the HHS Secretary. In 2015, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will begin to use the Medicare fee schedule for grander payments to physicians that will provide high-quality care associated with cost.  For example, the quality of care will be measured on all levels, including telecommunication devices like remote monitoring, online communications, and so on.

The American Telemedicine Association has made a number of requests for telemedicine in 2015.  Some of those requests include the addition of CPT codes for Telehealth, including codes that Medicaid already covers.  There is also a request for a select number of “interpretative services” regarding remote cardiac and remote diabetic retinopathy that will be included in the definition of a “physician service.”  After an analysis of the benefits in telemedicine, there are requests for an increase in Telehealth in Dermatology and Wound Care, too.

Lastly, any professionals who are participating in the Medicare HER Incentive Program may undergo payment adjustments beginning Jan 1, 2015. CMS is now determining payment adjustments based on meaningful use data submitted prior to 2015. To avoid payment adjustments in the future, you must demonstrate meaningful use every year under either Medicare or Medicaid.


Reviewing the Affordable Care Website Outage

EMR Billing Solutions is aware of the previous troubles with Obama’s Affordable Care website, and is ready to review it with our clients. The first sign of trouble was when the site asked visitors to wait. However, when 2 pm rolled around, everything operated as normal, and users could log in and create new accounts. Earlier that day, applicants on healcare.gov were notified that the system was down for maintenance. Visitors were directed to try again later or wait until they received a notice that it was back up and running.

Why did this happen? Apparently, there were some complications during maintenance on Thursday night, and repairs were scheduled for 10 am Friday. The outage came at a very unfortunate time, right before Obama was scheduled for a news conference, and prepared to leave for vacation. The more urgent issue at hand were the Americans trying to use the federal exchange before Monday’s deadline to pick a plan in order to be eligible for coverage starting January 1st. Administration proposed that users encountering this problem could qualify for a special enrollment period.

The crisis was obverted, while administration officials struggled and urgently tackled the remaining Obamacare issues. Therefore, late Thursday evening the White House made an announcement. It stated that individual policyholders that received termination notices could qualify for hardship exemptions, and purchase plans on the exchanges. Finally, insurers announced that applicants could pay for their first month’s premium up till January 10th and receive retroactive coverage till January 1st.


2014 SGR Discussion and Proposal Details

The SGR controversy began in 1997, when Congress approved the Sustainable Growth Rate formula.  It was designed to determine physician fees under the federal Medicare program.  Since 2001, SGR has mandated reductions in physician fees, and Congress continues to step in and extend their pay.

However, EMR Billing Solutions is concerned about the possible 24 percent reduction in Medicare fees that will take place if Congress does not alter the current policy. As expected, the Senate has responded by scheduling another vote.  Along with the House of Representatives, they are developing a final legislation to repeal and replace SGR. Nevertheless, the House has approved another temporary fix, which extends a “patch” on SGR for another year.

The Current SGR Proposal Details include:

  • Combining three quality Medicare payment programs to reward providers who meet required performance levels
  • Improving Senior care with assurance for providers
  • Physician-established Clinical Care Guidelines, aimed to reduce careless spending and improve overall patient care
  • A Technical Advisory Committee to analyze and advise Physicians who develop alternative payment models
  • 0.5% fee increase for Medicare Physicians till 2014 ends
  • Increases in Medicare payments to hospitals and ambulances in rural areas
  • Instituting two new Mental Health Grant Programs that would obtain $60 million over four years to advance outpatient treatment
  • Push back the deadline on the new ICD-10
  • Postpone the new inpatient “two-midnight rule” for hospitals to March 2015

At EMR Billing Solutions, we take the future of medicine very seriously, and it is our goal to keep you informed.


Anticipated Features for eCW® Version 10!

The anticipation is rising at EMR Billing Solutions! In the coming weeks, eClinicalWorks® will be releasing their best version yet, Version 10. We are eager to discuss some of the highly anticipated features.

The new eCW® V10 provides users with a “Buddy List” feature that sends copies to all providers with a single click. Patient Documents now include a search feature that allows side-by-side comparison. In Progress Notes, there is an option to hide Blue Hyperlinks. In addition, the Security Settings include a Search Field, a new Down’s Syndrome Growth Chart, and an Immunization Enhancements to forecast upcoming immunizations. In fact, A Clinical Rules Engine will allow users to create a rule for multiple users to receive lab results.

Additional V10 features include:

  • Patient Portal for facility to route messages
  • Bulk Appointments Transfers for appointments to and from numerous providers
  • Demographic Validations with real-time UPS address validation
  • Multiple Copay Abilities that define PCP Copay versus Specialist Copay
  • Easy-to-read Insurance Eligibility Reports
  • Denial Management featuring Analytics by code, and the ability to work with rejected claims
  • CDSS Numerator and Denominator procedures for the practice
  • Windows in HPI for Assessment and Treatment with an enlarge feature
  • DRTLA Tab for assistance when inserting labs into Progress Notes
  • Labs with cancel option and Drug Interaction Alerts
  • ABN ability to sign with signature pad and save to Document Tree
  • Multi-select option for visit types and statuses

Version 10 offers numerous new features and improvements! EMR Billing Solutions can’t wait to indulge in the eClinicalWorks® V10!


The Effects of the New Healthcare Reform

Earlier this year, President Obama signed off on the Patient Protection and the Affordable Care Act. Today, EMR Billing Solutions tells you how Healthcare Reform is affecting larger and smaller companies.

Most Healthcare Reform laws focus on expanding access to health-care coverage. Major expansions and incentives are in place for the new laws, including incentives for private insurances, public programs, new additions to the health-care cooperatives and exchanges, and further expansion on individual and employer requirements.

Healthcare Reform Changes in 2014:

  • Maintain state-based health-insurance exchanges that offer individuals the option to purchase qualified health-insurance coverage.
  • Small Businesses must generate Small Business Health Option Programs (SHOP), for businesses with 10 employees or less.
  • Instill new requirements for individuals who have qualifying health-insurance coverage, or who face a penalty that is phased in over a period of time.
  • Assessments for Large Companies with over 50 employees that do not offer coverage, and have one full-time employee who receives premium tax credit – $2,000 per full-time employee – disregarding the first 30 employees from the assessment.
  • Penalties for Large Companies with over 50 employees that offer coverage and have one or more full-time employees receiving a premium tax credit -$3,000 for each premium tax credited employee. The total penalty depends on the amount the company must pay if no insurance coverage was offered.
  • Compose an essential health-benefits package that contains a comprehensive set of services that cover 60% or more of the actuarial value, including the covered benefits and limits on cost sharing

Combat the Flu and Defend your Revenue!

No one likes the flu, especially when it strikes early in the year with a vengeance! EMR Billing Solutions is aware of the flu and its negative effects on revenue. Below are some awareness tips to combat the flu on multiple levels.

Remedy for Combating the Flu:

  • Protect yourself and your employees, prohibiting them from working with flu symptoms. A sick doctor can’t work, will feel the wrath of the flu, and cause a decrease in revenue.
  • Create and implement a concise plan for covering shortages that works for your practice. Double Check your Flu shot billing codes, and make sure they are up to date.
  • Follow the advising of the American College of Physicians, and encourage all healthcare providers to be immunized as soon as possible.
  • If you are having trouble mandating flu shots in your practice or office, consider offering the vaccinations onsite, with no cost to your employees. It will cost you much more in revenue losses when your staff is sick, and your practice is shorthanded.
  • Keeping your patients aware of vaccination locations is crucial as the shortages arise. Reach out to your patients through your Patient Portal, website, social media, and in the office. Insure that they know when and where flu shots are available.
  • Be prepared for the unexpected circumstances. Prepare procedures if you run out of vaccines, and what to do in case of an emergency.

Above all, remind your staff to stay calm, and treat each patient with a care and reassurance.


Transition Details on ICD-10!

We all know ICD-10 is approaching. As of October 1, 2014 the ICD-9 code sets that are used to report medical diagnoses and inpatient procedures were replaced with the ICD-10 sets.

Why is this transition taking place? Because the ICD-9 procedures limited patient data, pertaining to their medical conditions and hospital inpatient procedures. ICD-9 is also 30 years old; its terms are outdated, and inconsistent with current medical practices. The overall structure of ICD-9 puts limitations on the amount of new codes that can be created, and most categories are already full.

The downside of the implementation is that many industry experts anticipate that medical practices will require at least six months of cash reserves in order to survive the cash flow crush. Due to this vital prediction, EMR Billing Solutions has created a special team of experts, including professionals in international economics, medical billing, healthcare reform and operations. These experts will analyze and identify bottlenecks that our clients may face (if any) during the rollout of ICD-10.

Our team of experts concluded that our clients should rest easy, as there is very little to worry about with this new change. The apparent issue that could hinder your organization’s ability to survive the ICD-10 rollout is your provider’s inability to process coding requests. However, EMR Billing Solutions can easily identify any errors associated in provider’s notes with ICD-10. Once implemented, the healthcare providers will have improved options that ICD-10 codes can use to insure accurate charting, coding, and prompt payments.


Recap – 2013 eCW National User Conference!

The 2013 eClinicalWorks® National User Conference in San Antonio Texas attracted users and clients from around the globe. EMR Billing Solutions continues to attend these conferences because they are extremely helpful, hands-on, and teach us everything we need to know about eClinicalWorks®.

Highlights from the 2013 eCW National User Conference:

  • ICD 10 includes a new Assessment window screen that guides providers to the correct ICD 10 code. The screen will display both the ICD 9 and ICD 10 equivalents.
  • V10 EMR features Google search recommendations, a Simple Search Box for Providers, advancements in the Interactive Chart Wizard, and an option in Progress Note that allows you to hide selected sections depending on Visit Type.
  • V10 PM features new additions to the Clearinghouse; a new Admin Fee Rule for Injections and Immunizations, and a redesign of the Appointment Details window, including a Right Panel that displays RX Eligibility, Insurance Eligibility, Copay, and Patient Balance.
  • Update on the V10 Timeline, the Beta is scheduled for October and the General Acceptance release is projected for mid November.
  • MU Stage 2 includes a redesign of the Family History Section, new reminders to update the Problem List, and user-friendly entry for CPOE.
  • New Hardware Option for Kiosk that may reduce costs depending on configuration.
  • HEALOW now encompasses the Smartphone “Patient Portal” app, eClinicalMessenger, and the Heath Tracker applications that will be available for iPhone and Androids. These features let the user link to multiple portals with a single login, and improve communications through HEALOW Messenger.