
eClinicalWorks® Becomes One of Two EHR Vendors to Integrate Wearable Data

Americans are increasingly recognizing the importance of an active lifestyle. Researchfrom PricewaterhouseCoopers and its Health Research Institute found that one in five Americans owns some type of health care wearable device, and one in 10 wears it daily. eClinicalWorks® recently announced its clients will be able to integrate the data from these devices into their electronic medical record (EMR) through the healow® platform. healow® stands for Health and Online Wellness and is a platform that promotes patient engagement through online and mobile access. Read more abouthealow® in our January 5 blog.

Getting Ahead of the Curve

eClinicalWorks® is only the second EMR company to provide wearable data integration. While many are reluctant to integrate out of fear of data overload for providers, eClinicalWorks® recognizes the importance of providing access to this data for providers and patients, and is testing methods of organizing the data in the most useful way for all parties. Wearable data use is expected to accelerate. eClinicalWorks® is getting ahead of the curve by integrating now.

Keeping Patients Healthy and Informed

“A more informed patient is generally a healthier one,” Girish Navani, CEO and co-founder of eClinicalWorks® explained. This integration will allow patients to view everything in one place, both their health records and their activity tracker data. It will keep patients and providers better informed. This is especially important for patients with chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and asthma. It’s predicted that overall health will improve because at-risk behaviors can be flagged early on. Of course, patient consent will be required before their data is integrated with their EMR.

The electronic medical record arena is rapidly changing. eClinicalWorks® is working tirelessly to ensure its clients are up-to-date and have access to the latest technologies. Let EMR Billing Solutions help you get the most out of eClinicalWorks®.