eClinicalWorks® Recognized as an EMRAM Certified Educator
HIMSS Analytics recently announced eClinicalWorks® has been designated as an Electronic Medical Record Adoption Method (EMRAM) Certified Educator. EMRAM is an eight-step strategy created to help health care organizations analyze their level of EMR adoption. “This certification will benefit organizations looking to analyze their adoption of EMR technology. We welcome being part of the program,” said CEO and Co-founder of eClinicalWorks® Girish Navani.
About the Designation
Since 2005, HIMSS Analytics has been tracking EMR adoption across the country. That data is used to help heath care organizations through the eight-step process, analyzing their level of EMR adoption, charting accomplishments and benchmarking progress against other organizations nationally. Venders reach EMRAM Certified Educator status by passing an annual certification exam and committing to an annual educator program. The process ensures that eClinicalWorks® stays current with EMR trends and is prepared with the knowledge needed to help their clients advance through the stages of EMR implementation. EMRAM helps organizations align IT initiatives with their overall business strategy.
Why Important?
EMRAM not only gives providers and hospitals the opportunity for recognition, advancing to each stage provides tangible evidence that the organization is effectively implementing and using EMR technology. Aligning this technology with overall practice management is key to providing quality care and streamlining costs. eClinicalWorks® is dedicated to providing the most efficient platform to help providers achieve these objectives. “A major goal is having our customers utilizing the EMR the most beneficial way possible for both providers and patients,” continued Navani. EMR Billing Solutions is the eClinicalWorks® experts. Let our professionals help your practice or organization benefit from the EMRAM process.