
eClinicalWorks® Support: A Case Study

Running a medical practice, you wear a lot of hats. If you are a medical provider, and you also own your own business, there are many challenges. If your practice uses eClinicalWorks® electronic medical records you may be needing some eClinicalWorks® based medical billing support when it comes to billing. You may have been trying to make billing work in-house, but you just need more help. Here is a fictional, yet realistic case study on a clinic that does in-house billing, and an explanation of how EMR Billing Solutions could change all of that.

Case Study: Dr. Rick owns his own chiropractic practice. He uses eClinicalWorks® EMR. He does his own billing in-house. His wife graciously helps him managing the office, and this includes billing. When patients have questions about their bill, she has to take their phone call and is often left trying to explain to them why their insurance company doesn’t pay as much as they would like for their services. In addition, Dr. Rick wants to hire an associate doctor, but that could potentially double their patients which would double the amount of insurance verification, billing follow-ups, and late patient payments. Dr. Rick is excited about the potential of his business growing, but the billing aspect overwhelms both him and his wife. They end up writing off a lot of outstanding balances because they don’t have the time or energy to pursue payment.

With EMR Billing Solutions, many of these things could be different for Dr. Rick. To start, Dr. Rick can send all of his patients with billing questions to EMR Billing Solutions. They can expertly discuss coverage, EOBs, and other billing questions with his patients. Also, Dr. Rick wouldn’t have to deal with the stress adding another doctor would cause on his billing and income. EMR Billing Solutions charges a low percentage rate and then do all of the follow-up, making sure Dr. Rick’s patients are paying on time.

Clearly, EMR Billing Solutions can make a world of difference in your medical practice. Contact today to find out more