Avoid Choosing The Wrong Billing Company, Integrate Your Systems With eCW® based Medical Billing
When you decide to outsource your medical billing, you can be making a great decision. Many medical practices decide to outsource their medical billing because they feel it is too stressful or they do not have the right people or the right space to manage it within the practice. When deciding on which medical billing company […]
eClinicalWorks® Medical Billing System: Embrace Technology
You work hard to give medical care to a significant number of patients on a daily basis. You provide a needed service every day and your service is important. Although medical care is essential, it is important to your practice that your practice earn surplus revenue. You need your patients’ insurances or patients themselves pay […]
End Your Search With eClinicalWorks® based Medical Billing Company
Not everyone gets an opportunity to run a medical office. When someone has the responsibility of running a medical office, they will typically do the following tasks: Making sure the appointment times of patients are always organized and managed correctly Enter patient demographics correctly Interact with providers, clearing house and insurance companies Run different reports periodically […]
eClinicalWorks® Billing Solutions For The Flu Vaccine
When we are in flu season, many healthcare professionals have questions about how to bill their patients for a flu shot. The Center for Disease Control highly recommends that anyone aged 6 months and older should have a flu shot. Every year there are different flu vaccines that protect patients from various types of fly viruses. Will […]
eClinicalWorks® based Revenue Cycle Management Can Reduce Inefficiency In Your Practice
Revenue cycle management is a vital piece to your practice. However, filing a claim to a payer without seeing any denials or collecting payments and bills in an efficient and quick manner is not as easy as you would like it to be. Your medical practice’s process should be streamlined, in order to reach a […]
eClinicalWorks® based Medical Billing Clients Successfully Tackle IDC-10 Transition
Professionals throughout the healthcare industry have been preparing (and dreading) the ICD-10 transition. As of October 1, it’s game on! How’s it going? Well, reviews were mixed in the feedback recently gathered by Healthcare Finance. However, one comment popped out at us. One user reported, “Well ICD-10, you scared me more than Y2K in 1999, but […]
eClinicalWorks® based Medical Billing Company Has A Commitment To Keeping Patients Engaged
Recently, there have been a significant amount of proof that shows the patients who are empowered and engaged are more likely to receive the treatment they need and they will likely to see a decrease in the medical costs. A medical practice that encourage patient empowerment and patient engagement can significantly help their patients in […]
eClinicalWorks® Practice Management: Have You Joined Your Patients Online?
Do you use Facebook, Twitter, or another social network to market the services of your medical practice? Many physicians do not want any part of social media because they do not want to run across any trouble in regards to legal problems or ruining a reputation. However, if you choose not to be involved in […]
eClinicalWorks® Billing Services Can Help You Improve Your Payment Collection Process
During the course of a decade or more, there has been a significant amount of changes in the healthcare field. There have been significant changes in the deductibles and this has made an impact on the collection of payments. As the changes continue, it is important that your practice have a constant stream of cash […]
eClinicalWorks® based Medical Billing Service Can Help You Run A Successful Medical Practice
If you have a hectic medical practice, you already know how much coordination and cooperation it takes to get everything working the way it is supposed to work. You have to ensure your culture is safe, you have to make sure your employees are always aware of the surroundings, and you always have to make […]