
eClinicalWorks® RCM Can Help You Get On The Right Track To Collecting Payments Again

When it comes to making changes to your Revenue Cycle Managment software, you may have needed to make those changes a long time ago. Do you find yourself spending a significant amount of time on the management of your finances? Do you have to decrease the amount of time you spend with your patients because […]


eClinicalWorks® Billing Companies: How Can You Determine If You Have The Right Billing Company?

How will your medical practice know the difference between a billing company that will only be good for a few things and one that you can give your patient’s information to without having to worry? If you already know what criteria or standards you should judge a medical billing company, you will be able to […]


Combine eClinicalWorks® based Medical Billing Services And Policies To Improve Your Healthcare Organization

Many healthcare organizations are bringing in a steady stream of revenue. With the steady stream of revenue, it can be very difficult to forget about what really matters the most. It is definitely important to receive the provider reimbursements and payments from the payers, but a huge part of that steady revenue stream will still […]


eClinicalWorks® based Billing Solutions Will Make Sure You Do Not Make Some Of The Common Mistakes

The responsibility of the medical biller is to make sure the provider will receive their reimbursements. Sometimes, ensuring this will happen will mean errors will be made. Sometimes the errors are made by the computers and sometimes the errors are made by the employees. Medical billing is a process that involves a couple of important […]


Is It The Time To Outsource Your Billing Services To eClinicalWorks® Specialists?

For many practices, they have tremendous difficulties when it comes to submitting clean claims and keeping up with insurance policies. As a result, many businesses make the decision to outsource their medical billing services. Outsourcing a medical practice’s billing services is one of the preferred methods in this booming medical industry. When doctors choose to outsource […]


Can An eClinicalWorks® based Medical Billing Solution Be The Key To Improving Your Medical Practice?

There is a true and powerful proverb that states  health is wealth. Although this proverb is true, it does not mean that it is always enforced. The safety and the health of the people who visit your medical practice can determine if your practice is successful or if it suffers failures. You have obligations to make sure the patients are […]


What Do You Think About When You Hear eClinicalWorks® RCM?

When you hear RCM(revenue cycle management), does it have any meaning to you? If it does, then what exactly does it mean to you and your medical practice. We understand the question will receive different answers, and the type of answer we will receive will greatly depend on who we ask. Every medical practice is […]


eClinicalWorks® Medical Billing Company Can Reduce The Hassles And Stress Of Operating A Practice

Is your medical practice looking for a new medical billing company? If you are, you should have a list of fundamental questions that you will be willing to ask before you settle on one medical billing company. It does not matter if your practice has been in operation for decades or if you have a […]


eClinicalWorks® Customer Support Can Help Improve Your Medical Billing Process

Having good customer service and good customer support can greatly improve how well your collections processes go. When it comes to medical billing, discretion does not liken to trying to ignore your bad debt by simply writing it off. On the other hand, customer retention does require subtlety and tact. There are a number of statistics that show […]


eClinicalWorks® Revenue Cycle Management: Is Your Current Solution Working?

Healthcare providers in the United States have a need to get all the money they are owed. The reimbursement processes and models are continuing to change and modify. As the reimbursement models continue to evolve, healthcare providers may need to replace their current revenue cycle management solution. A big question surrounding this will be, “how […]