eClinicalWorks® Practice Management Advice: Are You Able To Keep Up With The Changes In Your Medical Practice?
Medical practices have been going through many profound changes, and many medical professionals are trying to find ways to gain more revenue or reduce the costs it takes to run the medical practice. There are several approaches that can address the countless ways to do each of these things. You can change the strategies of […]
eClinicalWorks® Billing Services: Should Your Practice Consider Outsourcing Its Billing Services?
A question that many businesses face is whether or not they should outsource their medical billing functions to one of the many third-party billing services, or if they should keep the medical billing functions within the practice. Whatever decision you make, you have to be sure you have thought it through clearly. If you do […]
eClinicalWorks® RCM Can Be The Lifeline Of Your Medical Practice
eClinicalWorks® RCM can be the stimulus of your medical practice, whether it is a private practice or a practice you operate for no profit at all. In order to maintain the activity in your practice, you need to have effective and efficient registration practices, effective insurance verification, and effective processing methods for claims. This process seems simple but […]
eClinicalWorks® Support For CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) Codes
Have you ever had a patient ask you this question: “What is a CPT code?” If you have not heard anyone ask you this question yet, chances are you may find yourself hearing it at one point. This question may arise when your patients have an unexpected medical bill. Some of your patients will find out the hard […]
An eClinicalWorks® Medical Billing Solution Can Help You Keep A Healthy Flow Of Revenue
Choosing to outsource your medical billing can be a great decision. Many medical practices choose to outsource their billing when they think they do not have the right people or enough people to get the job done, or they feel they do not have enough finances or resources to use in-house billing. There is a […]
Is It Time To Make eClinicalWorks® Medical Billing Services Your New Partner?
Placing your medical billing needs in someone else’s hands can be a great decision. Medical practices typically choose to outsource their billing needs when they do not have the necessary team of people, the required resources, or the proper finances that are needed to keep the medical billing in the practice. There are many practices […]
How Can eClinicalWorks® Revenue Cycle Management Benefit Your Practice?
Regulations in the healthcare field are becoming more difficult to comprehend or figure out. The payers’ requirements are also becoming more complex than they have been before. As a result, revenue cycle management also becomes an even bigger challenge for medical providers, clinics, and medical practices. If a medical practice or a clinic is one […]
Top reasons eClinicalWorks® clients are using EMR Billing Solutions
Take a look at the top five reasons clients of eClinicalWorks® are using EMR Billing Solutions : 1.Increased revenue-Claims will be submitted daily,which in return means faster cash flow for your company. We work for you by running an efficient operation to get the job done in a timely manner. 2.Affordable Pricing- With rates as […]
Why Should You Use eClinicalWorks ®?
For small and medium practices that need a hands on approach to doing business eClinicicalWorks® is the top choice. What makes eClinicalWorks® so great? The reasons are simple, below are a few things that separate this company from the rest. Why should you choose eClinicalWorks® as your EHR vendor? Please see below: Corporate Hierarchy: corporate […]
What is eClinicalWorks®? A Pioneer in Electronic Healthworks
When Erin Griffin of the Fortune magazine did a cover story on eClinicalWorks® in 2014, many wondered, what is eClinicalWorks®? eClinicalWorks®? is one of the first pioneers in the field of electronic health works. Electronic health care has revolutionized medicine. It allows providers and patients electronic access to vital medical information. This innovation has improved […]