What is eClinicalWorks®? A Pioneer in Electronic Healthworks
When Erin Griffin of the Fortune magazine did a cover story on eClinicalWorks® in 2014, many wondered, what is eClinicalWorks®? eClinicalWorks® is one of the first pioneers in the field of electronic health works. Electronic health care has revolutionized medicine. It allows providers and patients electronic access to vital medical information. This innovation has improved the speed, quality, safety and cost of patient care. […]
Homeland Security Uses eClinicalWorks® to Manage Care Across Its Facilities
eClinicalWorks® has become the proven technology of choice for physician practices across the nation. However, adding the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to its client list is showing just how flexible the cloud-based technology really is. The federal agency is now using eClinicalWorks® (eCW) across its system of 23 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facilities to provide […]
Private Medical Practice and eClinicalWorks® Billing Solutions
Many private medical practices use eClinicalWorks® for Electronic Medical Records (EMR). As an EMR vendor, they provide award-winning products and services. Unfortunately, advances in technology tend to increase the amount of tasks that need to be accomplished in a day. The costs of hiring more staff and purchasing new equipment, to stay current, in the technology-based world we […]
eClinicalWorks® Recognized as an EMRAM Certified Educator
HIMSS Analytics recently announced eClinicalWorks® has been designated as an Electronic Medical Record Adoption Method (EMRAM) Certified Educator. EMRAM is an eight-step strategy created to help health care organizations analyze their level of EMR adoption. “This certification will benefit organizations looking to analyze their adoption of EMR technology. We welcome being part of the program,” said […]
Four Reasons eClinicalWorks® Providers Should Be Using EFT
In the past, many providers opted to not accept payment via an electronic funds transfer (EFT) because the lack of guidelines governing the process often led to delayed transactions and more administration time to match payments and claims. However, under the Affordable Care Act new standards for EFT transactions began to be enforced in January […]
eClinicalWorks® Revenue Cycle Management: Helping Meet the Challenge of High Deductible Plans
The medical billing arena is seeing massive changes in 2015. While having more patients with health insurance is a positive step, many health leaders are concerned about the number of patients that purchased high deductible plans through state and federal marketplaces. Their decisions were often made because these plans have the lowest upfront cost. However, […]
eClinicalWorks® Practice Management News: Does HIPAA Allow Providers to Charge Patients for Access to Their EMR?
For many years, patients have paid a fee for copies of their medical records. These fees are often in the form of a flat rate or a per page charge. Some providers simply use their state’s fee for public records requests, which is usually $1 per page. However, in light of the emergence of Electronic Medical […]
What is eclinicalworks® and How Does it Work?
The name, eclinicalworks® is gaining much popularity, it seems to be heard over, and again, still many people are asking, what is eClinicalWorks ®? With growing popularity, this company now services more than 100,000 different providers across the United States, and is continuing to grow at a rapid pace. eClinicalWorks® is a company that sells electronic medical […]
What is eclinicalworks ® and How Does it Work?
The name, eclinicalworks ® is gaining much popularity, it seems to be heard over, and again, still many people are asking, what is eClinicalWorks ®? With growing popularity, this company now services more than 100,000 different providers across the United States, and is continuing to grow at a rapid pace. eClinicalWorks ® is a company that sells electronic […]
Should You Hire a Billing Employee asks EclinicalWorks® Specialist?
It was fine when you were first starting out: your office manager could handle billing and tend to her other duties. But now that you’re more established, you seem to be seeing new patients every day and your employee is feeling overwhelmed. Is it time to hire an employee just to take care of the […]