Private Medical Practice and eClinicalWorks® Billing Solutions
Many private medical practices use eClinicalWorks® for Electronic Medical Records (EMR). As an EMR vendor, they provide award-winning products and services. Unfortunately, advances in technology tend to increase the amount of tasks that need to be accomplished in a day. The costs of hiring more staff and purchasing new equipment, to stay current, in the technology-based world we live in, become prohibitive to keeping prices competitive. To keep the average practice running smoothly and expenditures low, most offices will outsource as many services as possible. This tends to lead to a need for eClinicalWorks® billing solutions.
There are a multitude of companies that will maintain your billing services; however, many charge fees that include licensing, hosting, maintenance, and much more. Then, they will charge you extra fees for providing phone service, untangling of backlogged accounts receivable, and control of the flow of faxes through your office. Several of these companies don’t actually have the capacity to offer some of these services to you, regardless of extra fees. As with most technological services available, part of the over all expense is tied to a lengthy contract.
At EMR Billing Solutions, we understand that as a small business your revenue is what keeps everything going. As specialists in eClinicalWorks® medical billing needs, we can solve all of your billing needs, including answering your patient’s billing questions, and clearing all your old accounts receivable, for one low fee and no demanding contract.
With different plans available, EMR Billing Solutions can ensure that your patient’s questions are answered by fully qualified HIPAA certified staff, as well as invoices sent and followed up with on time. Our experts can also organize your faxes so that each is filed and routed to the correct provider for review, immediately reducing clerical hours, and increasing patient care. Your time and resources are precious. Let us help you grow your business with as much care as you provide your patients.